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On Fri Dec 19, 2003 » toebee said
"You ALWAYS make me smile! *smiles*"
On Thu Dec 18, 2003 » toebee said
"Im feeling your stupid agony. Its piercing me like I was a hollow unholy body. Its dragging me from the shore to the sea, I find myself sinking, I find myself filthy."
On Wed Dec 17, 2003 » toebee said
"I have a blister from touching everything I see."
On Mon Dec 15, 2003 » toebee said
"Dont try to fight the feeling cause the thought alone is killing me right now."
On Sun Dec 14, 2003 » toebee said
"Crash, crash, crash into a ditch."
On Thu Dec 11, 2003 » toebee said
"The finest day that i ever had Was when i learned to cry on command."
On Thu Dec 11, 2003 » toebee said
"I aint done, this aint the chorus, I aint event drug you in the woods yet, to paint the forest."
On Sat Dec 6, 2003 » toebee said
"Losing a leg is a good life lesson."
On Fri Dec 5, 2003 » toebee said
"Every step I take is just another tear gravity claims."
On Wed Dec 3, 2003 » toebee said
"I hold a force I cant contain."
On Mon Dec 1, 2003 » toebee said
"I dont know how much more of this I can take, I need a motherfucking break."
On Sat Nov 29, 2003 » toebee said
"Dont even ask me why Im crying, Im not trying to tell you what's wrong."
On Fri Nov 28, 2003 » toebee said
"Youre so stupid, you tried to make a bird fly. No offence! -Glin"
On Fri Nov 28, 2003 » toebee said
"There's a dark net inside my chest, there's a hurting sadness there. Maybe I'd tell you all about it if, I thought you'd care."
On Wed Nov 26, 2003 » toebee said
"the truth hurts"
On Wed Nov 26, 2003 » toebee said
"Washing the bricks wont do the trick if it's filthy inside."
On Mon Nov 24, 2003 » toebee said
"Look at that green, out through the screen, after a quick rain came. So fast that there wasn't time to roll up the windows, and pull the clothes down off the line. But i don't care, it was so dry,and the grass is happy, and i think 'so am i'."
On Sun Nov 23, 2003 » toebee said
"Maybe its for the best, maybe its not for anything, it wouldnt be so bad to take this right from me."
On Fri Nov 21, 2003 » toebee said
"I love life."
On Thu Nov 20, 2003 » toebee said
"Well looking back through time, You know it's clear that I've been blind, I've been a fool. To ever open up my heart, To all that jealousy, that bitterness, that ridicule."
On Wed Nov 19, 2003 » toebee said
"emo police!"
On Tue Nov 18, 2003 » toebee said
"'till your back's up against the wall, you never knew yourself that much at all."
On Sun Nov 16, 2003 » toebee said
"What happened to YOU!? ;p"
On Sat Nov 15, 2003 » toebee said
"The ones youve loved you'll always love, and those youve hated, alway hate. Those are the kindof things we cannot change. But by holding hands with time, you can find a better day, a better way."
On Thu Nov 13, 2003 » toebee said
"The water wont boil if you watch and wait."
On Wed Nov 12, 2003 » toebee said
"If prison is a cell, well it's ragin' in my blood."
On Mon Nov 10, 2003 » toebee said
"She's got a ticket, I think she's gonna use it, I think she's gonna fly away."
On Sun Nov 9, 2003 » toebee said
"Little earthquakes, here we go again."
On Sun Nov 9, 2003 » toebee said
"We're always thirsty for something, why dont we just drown already"
On Sat Nov 8, 2003 » toebee said
"Its kindof funny cause I kindof always cared, and its even funnier cause you were kindof never there."
On Sat Nov 8, 2003 » toebee said
"Im sickened by your capability of making me sick."
On Fri Nov 7, 2003 » toebee said
"If only love was a chocolate chip cookie."
On Fri Nov 7, 2003 » toebee said
"I was just guessin, At numbers and figures, Pullin the puzzles apart. Questions of science, Science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart."
On Thu Nov 6, 2003 » toebee said
"It might be hard, you cant be more than what you are, cant be more till its over."
On Wed Nov 5, 2003 » toebee said
"The way you feel, its ok."
On Wed Nov 5, 2003 » toebee said
"The winter morning came, too close to ever be that close again."
On Tue Nov 4, 2003 » toebee said
"back to reality, OH there goes gravity."
On Mon Nov 3, 2003 » toebee said
"Its just that weve stayed too long in the same old sickening skin. ... In all this darkness I feel like letting go."
On Fri Oct 31, 2003 » toebee said
"Its what I mean, not what I say."
On Thu Oct 30, 2003 » toebee said
"Ive had it up to here."
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