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On Fri Jul 4, 2003 » toebee said
"Like a beautiful summer day. Shiny, bright, a day to play. Followed by a cloud of rain, leaking out the hidden pain."
On Fri Jul 4, 2003 » toebee said
"My window looks into your bathroom. I wonder what it is they did to leave that bathroom so unclean, so unlike me."
On Tue Jul 1, 2003 » toebee said
On Tue Jul 1, 2003 » toebee said
"The fish said I was passionate. It really did."
On Mon Jun 30, 2003 » toebee said
"Maybe I need a new pair of eyes. Or maybe its a new pair of shoes."
On Sun Jun 29, 2003 » toebee said
"but when cops showed... we went back to the 1st level"
On Sat Jun 28, 2003 » toebee said
On Sat Jun 28, 2003 » toebee said
"I do"
On Fri Jun 27, 2003 » toebee said
"Falling in a pool of thunder, living off the rain it splatters."
On Fri Jun 27, 2003 » toebee said
"I ate icecream and now my belly feels funny. silly icecream and silly me."
On Thu Jun 26, 2003 » toebee said
"I just feel like going back camping... away from the urban jungle."
On Wed Jun 25, 2003 » toebee said
"My hair's on fire."
On Tue Jun 24, 2003 » toebee said
"Im staring at the sun. I cant feel my eyes."
On Sun Jun 22, 2003 » toebee said
"Somebody get me outa here, Im tearing at myself. Nobody gives a damn about me, or anybody else."
On Tue Jun 17, 2003 » toebee said
"Fix me now, bring me back to life."
On Thu Jun 12, 2003 » toebee said
"Every star is a broken heart."
On Wed Jun 11, 2003 » toebee said
"I looked out the window one morning, noticed the clouds before the sun. But this morning I looked out the window, noticed the clouds before the rain."
On Sat Jun 7, 2003 » toebee said
"grey grey grey, all I see is grey. Oh, black 'n white too."
On Fri Jun 6, 2003 » toebee said
"Here's two beers to remember why, and three more to forget... *sniffle*"
On Tue May 27, 2003 » toebee said
"Im pinning my eyelids to my eyebrows."
On Tue May 27, 2003 » toebee said
"Never assume your words are respected enough to not be questioed. You may still however redeem yourself by engaging with us in... MORTAL BATTLE!"
On Mon May 26, 2003 » toebee said
"FFUCK YOU you little fucker-fucky-who."
On Mon May 26, 2003 » toebee said
"mommy said freak (discocore party)"
On Sun May 25, 2003 » toebee said
"Someone left the cake out in the rain, it took so long to bake it, and ill never get the recipe again... :'("
On Wed May 21, 2003 » toebee said
"excuse me. Oh please do. Im so sorry, but only cause its you."
On Tue May 13, 2003 » toebee said
"Im in pain, Im in agony. Im insane, Im just crazy. Empty hopes fade away,reality's ghost ruined my day."
On Wed May 7, 2003 » toebee said
"Laugh as you slip 'n slide, run as you try to hide."
On Sun May 4, 2003 » toebee said
"I'm nothing here, nothing's left. Only a tear, maybe my best. I go, I run, I come undone. I stay, I play, too much to say."
On Fri Apr 25, 2003 » toebee said
"Put the pain to the test, twist the dagger, rip the flesh, push it deeper, can you take it? Cause I cant."
On Tue Jan 21, 2003 » toebee said
"something bout those lil' pills..."
On Tue Jan 14, 2003 » toebee said
"why wont my heart stop up"
On Wed Dec 11, 2002 » toebee said
"avril is PATHETIC yukyukyuk"
On Sun Dec 1, 2002 » toebee said
"I HATE E-TARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!urrrrrrrgh. anyways."
On Tue Nov 26, 2002 » toebee said
"People Suck.Fuck."
On Sun Nov 24, 2002 » toebee said
"fuck cheesy trance."
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