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On Sat Oct 20, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"if you wanna be somebody and you wanna go somewhere you got to wake up and pay attention"
On Sat Oct 20, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"i say it straight to your face!!!"
On Fri Oct 19, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"shes so scared to get close because everyone that said they would be there left!!!"
On Fri Oct 19, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"im not short im just usually not tall!!!"
On Fri Oct 19, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"je suis la mais pas toutes la!!!"
On Fri Oct 19, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"im through with love....thank god theres still sex!!!!"
On Thu Oct 18, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"next time my name rolls off your mouth...choke on it bitch!!!"
On Wed Oct 17, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"si tu faites toujours la meme recette, tu vas toujours obtenir le meme gateau!!!"
On Wed Oct 17, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"we learn from our mistakes,but since i dont make any i learn them from you!!!!"
On Wed Oct 17, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"jtadore mon trésor!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"MR.BOUCHARD... veins sur mon boulevard,jte cache dans mon placard,on vas se claquer une bonne couche-tard,pis samuser comme des leopards.....est tu dacore, ma fermer les stores!!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"theres beauty in all imperfections, learn to love them!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"i havent bought it yet!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"im the MAN!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"SARCASM: just one more service i offer!!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"because unlike you everything that comes out of my mouth is true!!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"were not weird were just cooler than you!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"love isnt finding someone you cant live with, its finding someone you cant live without!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"jealousy is a disease....so get well soon bitch!!!!"
On Tue Oct 16, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had!!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"always speak your mind,even if your voice shakes!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"oh yeah"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"your fucked!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"now your really asking me to kick your ass"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"give me back my JD bottle"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"hanging out,making out,sneaking out,passing out, whatever happens, happens, no regrets!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"dont you just hate it when 2 people should be together and they dont do nothing about it!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"baby i just look at you and think how did i get so lucky"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"a real girl isnt perfect,a perfect girl isnt real!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"dont cry because its over, smile because it hapopened"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"i am me and i wont change for anybody!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain!!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"im the type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile,the type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even if i cant brighten my own!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"everything good in life is either, illegal,immortal or fatening"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"if your going to be 2 faced,sweetie atleast make one look pretty"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"you can call me an alcoholic but i call it a dam good time!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"he said: i dont know why you wear a bra youve got nothing to put in it she said: you wear pants dont you?"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"you cry, i cry, you laugh, i laugh, you jump off a cliff, i laugh ever harder!!!"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"thoses who really like you dont mean to hurt you and if they do, you can see it in their eyes that it hurts them too"
On Mon Oct 15, 2007 » Party_Girl said
"you never leave my mind even when ive got a millions things to think about!!!"
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