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On Tue Feb 26, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"whomp! THERE IT IS! c'mon! whomp! THERE IT IS!"
On Tue Feb 26, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
On Sun Feb 24, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"I'm so glad I missed these closing ceremonies. oh well Canada got two golds in hockey. Thats all that matters."
On Thu Feb 21, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"I never said for you tell sell it to me. Introduce me to folks."
On Wed Feb 20, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"I say, add this number to icq: 21353718!"
On Wed Feb 20, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"I have now found a new friend who can hook me up with a 7 for $45!"
On Wed Feb 20, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"theres a different between a job and a career"
On Mon Feb 18, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"So that would explain why I'm always tired huh?"
On Sun Feb 17, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"your mother"
On Wed Feb 13, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"Salvia and DMT, big round mushrooms and LSD. Marijuana and ecstacy. My oh my I'm such a druggie... - hrmph"
On Mon Feb 11, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"ABCDLSD, Gummy bears are chasing me! Some are green, some are blue, some are fucking on my shoe"
On Mon Feb 11, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"They say get on the plane, get on the plane. Fuck you, I'm getting IN the plane!"
On Thu Feb 7, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"Tentacles of hope sliced off by the sword of dispair"
On Tue Feb 5, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"Visions of swirling smoke cover your eyes despite your tendancies to exhale large amounts of air..."
On Sun Feb 3, 2002 » OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX said
"Dive into a mysterious world where paralell, depsite any logical reasoning or laws of physics, intersects. Where man walks backwards and airports are in the skies."
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