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On Sat Sep 11, 2010 » Brad-Side said
"my imaginary friend,says that I have a problem mental"
On Fri Dec 4, 2009 » Brad-Side said
"Biscuit soda avec un soupçon de purée de patate aux agrumes, sur l'aire d'un rossignol fucké on mastique bien le tout en trempant ses pieds dans l'huile d'écureuil et on se réchauffe sur un lit de pizza au four sucré entouré de tranche de ballonné en branche de papillon..."
On Sat Nov 28, 2009 » Brad-Side said
"Purée de palourde accompagné d une salade de bretelle au chiwawa napé d une sauce de creton a l indienne servi avec une vidange d huile de trou de nez.."
On Sat Nov 28, 2009 » Brad-Side said
"tout nue pince a vache!!" qu'il me répondi. Je lui lançâme d'un regard de prophète " et tu dis que que la barbe de la mademoiselle s'inspire d'une muffle qui piétine ses excrément pour agrémenter le tout???? mmmmm???" Il se retira paisiblement en chuchotant un air de Goldorak tout en gambadant dans les prés."
On Thu Oct 23, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"I want to die!! Pull in bullet in my head!! Je ne comprend rien de l'anglais,mais c'est ce que j'entand dans ma tête!!!"
On Thu Oct 23, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste"
On Wed Oct 22, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"Women are like computers... as soon as you commit to one, you realize that, if you had waited a little longer you could have had a better model Mouaaaaaaah!!"
On Wed Oct 22, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"Two flies order some food in a restaurant. One says: I'll take the shit with garlic. And I'll take the same, but without garlic, said the other one. I don't like to have bad breath."
On Wed Oct 22, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"A woman is sitting at a bar. A man approaches her and says, "Hi, honey, want a little company?" "Why?" asks the woman. "Do you have one to sell?""
On Wed Oct 22, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"A man visits the doctor. The doctor says "I have bad news for you.You have AIDS and Alzhiemer's disease". The man replies "Well,thank God I don't have AIDS!""
On Mon Oct 20, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"I had a dream in which someone murdered him. Next day I closed my bank account. Know why? Because the bank's slogan was: We make your dreams come true..."
On Sun Oct 19, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"I've invented a fly spray that doesn't kill flies; it makes them so sexually active, you can swat two at a time."
On Tue Apr 15, 2008 » Brad-Side said
"Moi j'ai tous ce qu'il faut pour rien faire....C pas rien ca!!!!!"
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