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» Doone said
"Embrace me, surrond me, has the rush come ! (:o)"
» Wizdumb said
"political power is found in the barrel of a gun"
» AlienZeD said
"Touch Down!"
» Doone said
"ca yeah....another one down the drain."
» Party_Girl said
"elle etait une escorte mais elle est devenue une focus.... check l' huile a transmission,moteur,power stering,prestone à ne pas oublier le milage.....Observe le body si c pas un accidenté!!!!!!!"
» AlienZeD said
"Generalizations are all false."
» Party_Girl said
"men are like public washrooms some are taken and some are full of shit"
» Doone said
"En vérité je vous le dit: Tous les problèmes de la terre s'arrèteront pour au moins 10 heures demain soir..."
» AlienZeD said
"Women are like parking spaces, all the good ones are either taken or handicapped."
» Vee-Vee said
"c'est le temps d'une... dinde-d'une-dinde-d'une-dinde!"
» moohk said
"fuck you , that fucking screaming down a fucking cave and shit, there isn't even a fucking echo. goddam but yeah i thought there was some hope in ... the .. uh... rave.. uh.. 'movement'.... we tried, bitches, i hope you do in your own way. PS its not hi"
» Party_Girl said
"cest correct detre pas correct"
» AlienZeD said
"Funky Girls Rock HardCore"
» Doone said
"Parter pour arriver, arriver pour parter. Arriver----(Blank)----Parter. Prochainement a l'affiche dans un endroit public près de chez-vous."
» Party_Girl said
"smoke tomorrows weed what you can smoke today because if you like it today,you can do it tomorrow"
» Doone said
"Pour etre dans le ton des fetes, on dit que le temps des réjouissances arrive....quel beau mot, ré.......... ."
» KeyMiNDer said
"Sti que j'aqi hate a TwistedWave3.........HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
» moohk said
"if the situation can't change, enjoy it while it lasts"
» m4xom4x said
"Choice. The boy has no real choice, has he? Self-interest, the fear of physical pain drove him to that grotesque act of self-abasement. Its insincerity was clearly to be seen. He ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral c"
» Party_Girl said
"whats the difference between a roaster and a whore....the roaster says cock a doole doo.....and the whore says any cock will do.......lolololololol"
» Doone said
"Le temps des fetes c'est le temps des réjouissances, alors réjouissez-vous mes frères et surtout profitez du super week-end en perspective..."
» AlienZeD said
"I'm an extreme moderator!"
» moohk said
"everything in moderation, including moderation"
» AlienZeD said
"It's a Man's world, woman are allowed to live in it."
» Party_Girl said
"its a girls world.....guys just live in it"
» AlienZeD said
"Hey you! Yeah you! I'm ignoring you!!!"
» m4xom4x said
"My advice to people today is as follows: If you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out."
» AlienZeD said
"Le docteur s'est mis a opéré a 6h30 et son fils finit l'école à 4h30. Quelle est le nom du chauffeur d'autobus?"
» Doone said
"j'aime tout de noel, la bouffe, l'humeur des gens autour, et les congés... bonne journée a toutes (tous), y fait soleil aujourd'hui (:o)"
» Party_Girl said
"The rule of the tool : If the mass of the ass is proportional to the angle of the dangle then the torque on the pork determines the heat of the meat."
» KeyMiNDer said
"bonne fête Jésus ;)"
» Party_Girl said
"Reality is an illusion caused by a lack of good weed"
» DiddyKong said
"Avant j'étais schizophrène... Maintenant nous sommes normal!!!"
» beercrack said
"read between the lines. or at least get the audio tape between bumps"
» Party_Girl said
"dont judge a book by its cover"
» AlienZeD said
"I am not not redundant!"
» Party_Girl said
"you smoke so much weed.... your couch has seat belts!!!"
» DiddyKong said
"Il neige sur ma page... seulement avec ie :("
» AlienZeD said
"He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals."
» DiddyKong said
"L'âne au nid mousse... Cé moi!"
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