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» DCRn said
"Isolationism is over."
» eVLne said
"Parait que faire une sieste avant un party réduit nos chances d'avoir besoin de speed..."
» AlienZeD said
"If you can't tell it's fake, it's all good."
» Party_Girl said
"be good, or be good at it!!!"
» digidev said
"oyoyoyoyo im sooo fuckin horny"
» sakado said
"moi chu un vrais , cheke sé ecrit sul baton!"
» caro said
"this is an odd reality."
» Party_Girl said
"a dirty mind is a wonderful thing"
» digidev said
"cest pas facile a matin"
» Party_Girl said
"i trip up the stairs"
» Doone said
"planter...raccoler...detruire...cajoler...assasiner...porter aux nus..."
» Mico said
"Sorry, I just felt the need to say something."
» Party_Girl said
"life is short break the rules!!"
» M1N1M4L_FR34KKK said
"Ouan! être une pharmacienne ça serait bien. =P"
» Party_Girl said
"suffit davoir les bons contacts"
» TeenieWonder said
"It's Not Who You Know, It's Who You Blow!"
» Party_Girl said
"my hearts broken can you lend me yours!!!"
» AlienZeD said
"My bed's broken, can I sleep in yours?"
» Party_Girl said
"dont waste water, shower with me!!!"
» digidev said
» Party_Girl said
"hungry hippo"
» sakado said
"le sex sé po important........ tant que ten menque pas!"
» AKT_CREW said
» Doone said
"tellement cute des ti diables souriant qui passe a votre porte..."
» Party_Girl said
"secoupe de mois"
» AKT_CREW said
» KeyMiNDer said
"We are invading your mind!!!"
» sakado said
"parfois, quand le destin frappe a votre porte... yon un mendat :P"
» AlienZeD said
"Hey baby, care to be the canvas to my paint brush?"
» Nilk0 said
» Party_Girl said
"liquor before beer,your in the clear-beer before liqour never been sicker"
» AlienZeD said
"They call me by my name."
» digidev said
"du bon steak saignant?"
» Party_Girl said
"veut tu gouter a quest que ma mere a faites!!!!"
» Doone said
"zincofax en vente dans toutes les bonnes pharmacies !!!"
» digidev said
"please, let me upgrade your ass!"
» Party_Girl said
"faux tu me montre ca cest patente la, pour que je upgrade ca!!!"
» digidev said
"lesbians are IN. oh wait.. I am IN them"
» AlienZeD said
"Lesbians agree that I'm OK."
» Party_Girl said
"well so would I"
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