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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Web: Medicinal Cannabis Set To Be Legalised
Title:UK: Web: Medicinal Cannabis Set To Be Legalised
Published On:2001-10-23
Source:BBC News (UK Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 06:23:25

Cannabis has been shown to help ease the symptoms of some illnesses
Campaigners have welcomed the Home Secretary's announcement that cannabis
may be legalised for medicinal use.

David Blunkett said that if current clinical trials are successful the law
will be changed to allow the use of cannabis-based prescription drugs.

The drug would be used to combat conditions such as multiple sclerosis and

Supporters of the drug claim it has wide-ranging benefits, but opponents of
legalisation say it is a potentially dangerous substance that can actually
damage health.

There is scientific evidence to suggest that cannabis may be useful in
treating a wide range of conditions.

And wide-scale trials testing the safety and efficacy of cannabis extracts
are currently underway in the UK and elsewhere.

Cannabis is an antiemetic, a drug that relieves nausea and allows patients
to eat and live normally.

Extracts also seem to benefit patients suffering from multiple sclerosis,
stopping muscle spasms, and reducing tremors.

Change welcomed

Dr John Zajicek, of Derriford Hospital in Plymouth is leading a team
responsible for clinical trials into the medical effectiveness of cannabis
on MS.

The research involves 30 centres around the UK and has already signed up
275 patients.

It hopes to have 660 by next year, and results are expected in 2003.

Dr Zajicek said: "I very much welcome any potential change to the law,
providing the results of the clinical trials are positive.

"Some patients have already reported an improvement in pain but it is too
early to draw any conclusions."

He added: "If we are to provide the evidence that the drug is useful in
alleviating pain in MS then there has to be a way of getting the drug to
those patients.

"Changes in the classification of cannabis would help for that to be
achieved and that is a good thing."


Chris Jones, chief executive of the MS Research Trust told BBC News Online
legalisation would be "brilliant news" for MS sufferers.

She said it could be some time before results of the UK trials currently
underway were available.

But she said initial results from a study into using cannabis to treat
bladder problems had been successful.

"If cannabis-based drugs were available, people would have the choice and
it wouldn't be muddied by the legal worries", she said.

"It would mean people would be able to choose whether they wanted to take
it or not.

"We have been saying for a long time that we know people are finding
benefits from cannabis."

But she said many sufferers, or their children, were forced to break the
law in order to obtain the drug and find relief from their symptoms.

GW Pharmaceuticals is testing the impact of cannabis on MS under government

Managing director Justin Gover told BBC News Online: "We remain confident
that we will be able to present data to the Medicines Control Agency in
2003 with a view to bringing to market a non-smoked cannabis-based
medication for the relief of pain, spasticity and other symptoms of MS in
early 2004."


A spokeswoman for the Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC) welcomed Mr
Blunkett's announcement.

She said: "We think people who use cannabis to relieve the pain of
arthritis should be able to do so."

The ARC is backing research at the Kennedy Institute in London which looks
at using a cannabinoid, an extract of cannabis, to treat arthritis.

But the British Lung Foundation warned making cannabis a Class C drug could
lead to more people developing smoking-related diseases.

It called for health campaigns to be run alongside the declassification,
like those run to warn of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.

And Professor John Henry of St Mary's Hospital, London said: "Cannabis is a
harmful drug. It can affect people's ability to manage their lives, it
certainly affects people's memory and in the long term, we don't know, but
it will probably cause lung cancer to the same degree that cigarettes do."
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