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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Tougher Stance on Drugs
Title:Australia: Tougher Stance on Drugs
Published On:2001-11-14
Source:Advertiser, The (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 04:46:03

A BILL to make the growing of cannabis using hydroponics a criminal offence
was discussed in the Lower House of State Parliament yesterday.

As MPs from both sides battled to prove they were "tough on drugs", Labor
MP Ralph Clarke said "wedge politics" was being practised. Emotions were
being stirred without shedding any light on the problem.

"We are not giving it the type of consideration it deserves," he said.

"We are doing a great disservice to the community and our young people. The
Bill will pass but it won't address the drug problems."

The Government Bill - supported by the Labor Party - differentiates
hydroponic cannabis from "normal" or non-hydroponically grown cannabis.
Cannabis grown under normal circumstances for personal use - up to three
plants - only will attract an expiation notice.

Under the Bill, even one cannabis plant grown hydroponically will be a
criminal offence.
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