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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: Police Track Illegal Drugs' Supply, Purity
Title:US MD: Police Track Illegal Drugs' Supply, Purity
Published On:2001-11-16
Source:Baltimore Sun (MD)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 04:29:49

Increasing violence might be connected to dealers' troubles; 'Could just be
the tip'; Officials try to stem shootings, killings by monitoring trade

Baltimore police say that an apparent decline in the supply of illegal
drugs, which they believe is linked to a recent spate of killings and
shootings, could be the beginning of a broader trend that might lead to
more violence.

Detectives have begun closely tracking street sales and the purity of drugs
they seize to discern clues about shifting alliances between street dealers
and suppliers, said Maj. Anthony G. Cannavale, who leads the department's
narcotics unit.

By increasing surveillance, police officials hope to prevent more violence.

"This is a whole new dynamic," Cannavale said. "This could just be the tip
of something."

Officials say the recent increase in homicides and shootings may be linked
to strife within and between drug organizations, which are struggling to
maintain supplies, keep clients and make profits.

Police and federal authorities say drug dealers are having trouble getting
their products through tighter security established at the nation's borders
and airports after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

Deliveries to dealers in Baltimore have slowed, officials say, and costs
associated with transporting and smuggling have increased.

Drug prices have risen in the last few weeks, detectives say, and the
purity of some drugs, especially cocaine, has gone down -- both possible
indicators of diminished supply.

Cocaine, which went for $20,000 a kilogram before the attacks, is now
selling for about $30,000 a kilogram, Cannavale said. And its quality has
dropped, he said.

Police recently seized bricks of cocaine that were 30 percent pure -- down
from 70 percent.

Detectives say that street-level cocaine and crack have also diminished in
quality as dealers use more chemicals to dilute them.

Heroin also has increased significantly in price, from about $80,000 a
kilogram to as much as $135,000, Cannavale said.

The price increase might indicate a declining supply, police say -- or
might be dealers trying to capitalize on an uncertain market.

Cannavale and other Baltimore police officials say they have not noticed a
decline in the purity of heroin. But several drug counselors said addicts
are reporting such a drop.

Karen Reese, director of Man Alive, an outpatient methadone clinic on North
Charles Street, said addicts are telling her that the "quality of heroin is
really down."

"It's being cut," she said, "and there is a scarcity."

Reese also said she is getting about six more calls a day for treatment
than just a few months ago. "That is fairly significant," she said.

Wardell Barksdale, director of the Harambee Treatment Center in Park
Heights, said that, according to addicts, the decline in heroin purity
began in August, a month before the attacks. He said addicts report that
they can no longer get high on the typical $10 bag of heroin.

"Ten dollars really doesn't get you out of the gate," Barksdale said. "You
need at least $20 to be able to feel the effects of it."

As for the cocaine being sold, Barksdale said, "It's just junk."

Barksdale said he is receiving twice as many requests for treatment as he
did just a few months ago.

Dr. Peter L. Beilenson, the city's health commissioner, noted that overdose
deaths last month dropped to eight -- from 21 in September.

Although hesitant to directly link declining supply with the drop in
overdose deaths, he said, "This is the lowest month I've seen. It seems
like a reasonable hypothesis" that less pure drugs are causing fewer
overdose deaths.

Lethal violence, however, is on the rise.

Since Oct. 1, killings have averaged nearly one a day, well above the
previous pace, and shootings have increased 48 percent between Oct. 7 and
Saturday, according to police statistics. However, violent crime overall,
including assaults, rapes and robberies, is down 11 percent from last year.

Police say the number of deaths leads them to believe that several might be
linked to drug organizations treading on each others' turf for clients.

It's also possible, they say, that drug organizations -- like legitimate
businesses -- might in effect lay off members, who would then find other
criminal ways to make money.

Many of the homicide victims are drug dealers at various levels within
organizations and in different parts of the city, said Maj. Laurie
Zuromski, who leads the homicide unit.

"I don't recall a time recently when we've had so many in rapid succession
with drug motives," Zuromski said.

At least 15 recent homicide victims were shot in the head execution- style,
police said.

"That was coming up day in and day out," Zuromski said. "It's more
prevalent than what we've seen in recent months. The answer? I can't tell
you. Perhaps it's the desire to kill on the first shot."

South American cartels supply the vast majority of Baltimore's heroin and
cocaine, and much of that is smuggled on airplanes, across the Mexican
border or through the Caribbean, customs officials said.

Customs officials say that immediately after the terrorist attacks, their
seizures on the Mexican border dropped 80 percent.

"We think they temporarily decided to sit on loads for a couple of weeks,"
said Kevin Bell, a spokesman for the U.S. Customs Service.

Federal Drug Enforcement Administration officials in Baltimore said
smugglers likely are switching routes to avoid tighter security at airports.

"They are not taking as many trips because they fear being detected," said
DEA Agent Bill Hocker. "With the heightened security, everything is being
checked. Drug traffickers and couriers are well aware of this."

Instead of trying to sneak drugs through airports, some dealers might be
using cars, a less efficient method that adds to the price of drugs, Hocker
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