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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Web: Senior Officers Back 'Softer' Drug Laws
Title:UK: Web: Senior Officers Back 'Softer' Drug Laws
Published On:2001-11-21
Source:BBC News (UK Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 04:08:17

The debate over relaxing UK drug laws has been reignited after senior
police officers said they would support the downgrading of ecstasy to a
Class B drug.

Metropolitan Police deputy assistant commissioner Andy Hayman said on
Tuesday his force would support an easing of the ecstasy laws "if medical
and scientific evidence suggests it".

Metropolitan Police commander Brian Paddick went further, saying he would
rather "turn a blind eye" to the recreational use of drugs such as cocaine.

However the commander, who was later rebuked by the Met Police for his
comments, made it clear they were his own opinions and that he was fully
focused on implementing the Met's policy in relation to Class A drugs.

Angry Reaction

The comments by senior officers, given before a Commons Home Affairs Select
Committee looking into current drug laws, provoked campaigners from both
sides of the debate.

Janet Betts, whose lost her daughter Leah to ecstasy six years ago, was

"This is unbelievable. I'm sick of senior police officers who are just
worried about balancing their books.

"They don't give a stuff about the kids on the street," she said.

"There's no way they should reclassify ecstasy, absolutely no way. It is a
totally unpredictable drug and the potential for harm is very great."

But Danny Kushlick, director of drugs reform group Transform, was
optimistic that the police chiefs' views showed that the will existed for

"What is glaring now is the lack of political courage in government to
admit that prohibition has failed."

Drugs laws have been back in the spotlight since the Home Office announced
plans to reclassify cannabis as a class C drug last month, although Home
Secretary David Blunkett has already ruled out any change on ecstasy.

Serious Drug Crime

The senior police officers said they would rather "turn a blind eye" to the
recreational use of ecstasy in their efforts to crack down on more serious
drug crime.

Mr Hayman, who is chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers
(ACPO) drugs' sub-committee, told MPs such a move could "make a stronger
statement" about the dangers of Class A drugs.

Chief Superintendent Kevin Morris, president of the Superintendent's
Association, also backed change.

He said: "I would say there are far more important things which cause real
harm to the community in the way that ecstasy does not cause real harm to
the community."

Mr Paddick told MPs he thought arresting people for possessing ecstasy was
a "waste of valuable police resources".

The police commander has been overseeing a six-month experiment in Brixton,
south London, where possession of small amounts of cannabis is being dealt
with by a caution rather than an arrest.

He told MPs he did not regard recreation use of drugs - including hard
drugs such as cocaine - as a high priority.

"My view is that there are a whole range of people who buy drugs - not just
cannabis but even cocaine and ecstasy - with money they have earned
legitimately," he said.

'Shooting Galleries'

Officers also said they would support the idea of controlled areas where
addicts would be allowed to inject themselves.

Committee chairman Chris Mullin raised the idea of so-called "shooting
galleries" based on a German system that offered addicts clean needles and
health advice, and ensured that contaminated needles were not left in the

Mr Hayman said the ACPO would support such an idea "because it would reduce
the tensions in the community and the erosion of the community".
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