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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: Is Honesty The Best Drug Policy?
Title:UK: PUB LTE: Is Honesty The Best Drug Policy?
Published On:2001-11-22
Source:Daily Telegraph (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 03:30:40

SIR - Britain and America are considering buying Afghanistan's opium
harvest at black market prices (report, Nov. 20) - on condition that
farmers plough up their poppy fields.

Does anyone seriously believe that one of the poorest countries in the
world will cease producing opium in response to a one-time pay-off?

Afghanistan profits from the heroin trade because of drug prohibition, not
in spite of it. Attempts to limit supply while demand remains constant only
increase the profitability of drug trafficking.

Here in America, the drug war distorts the market so that a weed such as
cannabis is worth its weight in gold. In South America, the armed factions
tearing apart Colombia are dependent on the profits created by America's
war on consensual vices.

Fortunately for Britain, David Blunkett has his priorities in order. His
proposals to decriminalise cannabis and expand prescription heroin
maintenance are a cost-effective alternative to the failed drug war. In
America, the glaring parallels between our disastrous experiment with
alcohol prohibition and the modern drug war are lost on policymakers.

Robert Sharpe

Programme Officer, The Lindesmith Centre-Drug Policy Foundation

Washington, DC
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