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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: Column: The Empire Strikes Back
Title:US IL: Column: The Empire Strikes Back
Published On:2001-11-28
Source:Rock River Times (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 03:25:38


There is something going on in California. Something that has received
practically no press anywhere in America. The DEA is going on a
rampage against medical marijuana users and their legal suppliers
despite the fact that marijuana as medicine was voted for by 56% of
Californians over five years ago.

Here are the details of what has been happening. On the 25th of
October approximately 30 Federal agents raided the West Hollywood
headquarters of the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center after over
five years of operation. The center is supported by the local
sheriff's office. Sheriff's Captain Lynda Castro said the raid was "a
difficult pill to swallow." Three members of the West Hollywood City
Council showed up after the raid to protest the DEA action. The raid
was based on a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that stated that marijuana
does not have medical value and therefore it is against federal law.

The value of marijuana as medicine was never properly contested but
only stipulated by the government under the protests of the defence.

The government's own Institute of Medicine reported in 1999 that even
smoked marijuana may have medical value under certain circumstances.

In addition the government also distributes government grown marijuana
to seven patients. And the DEA's own administrative law judge Francis
Young said in a 1988 ruling that "It would be unreasonable,
arbitrary, and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those
sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence
in this record." So the Supreme Court ruling is based on a
stipulation that even the government knows is a lie. Proving that the
big lie technique still works. Even in America.

But that wasn't the only major DEA raid on California. On the 28th of
September the DEA raided the offices of Dr. Mollie Fry and her husband
attorney Dale Schafer who announced in July that he would run for El
Dorado County district attorney. In this case the G men were
collecting about 6,000 to 7,000 patient records because Fry was well
known for recommending marijuana to AIDs and cancer patients among
others. The doctor and her husband were also well known for testifying
for the defence in medical marijuana cases in California. In theory
the files taken should be protected by attorney-client privilege as
well as doctor-patient privilege. In fact these days there is no
protection against the Federal government. Not law, not custom, not
judges, and not people asking for redress of grievances. This one sure
looks like a political prosecution to me. We are sure lucky America
isn't a banana republic. Think of what this country would be like if
we had really corrupt people at the helm. Well no need for thinking
any more if you can just open your eyes.

In this time of national emergency we don't have the time, money, and
manpower to waste on recreational pot smokers and nationalized
corruption. We certainly don't have the resources to waste on the sick
and infirm. Attacking the sick is bad sense in time of peace and is a
total waste in time of war; in addition it violates every tenet of
morality I ever heard of. Hurray for Attorney General Ashcroft, touted
in his confirmation hearings as a paragon of morality and a good
Christian. I thought Jesus promoted comforting the sick, not attacking
them. I'm sure if I was a member of the church Mr. Ashcroft attends it
would all be clearer to me.

We Americans cannot expect government to continue behaving in such an
immoral manner and still hope to win the war against fascism. This
lack of fundamental god given morality will corrupt us and sap our
will just as racism did in Vietnam. We must end prohibition now.

Saying of the week:

If drugs back terrorism why don't the terrorists deal in

Ask a politician:

Do you support drug prohibition because it finances criminals at home
or because it finances terrorists abroad?

This weeks politician:

Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah - the ranking Republican on the Senate
Judiciary Committee. He voted for Mr. Morality Ashcroft. Mr Hatch
promoted him as just the remedy for Janet "Burn the Women and
Children" Reno. So now we get John "Persecute the Sick and Dying"
Ashcroft. This could actually be an improvement. But somehow I doubt

Contact Senator Hatch in Washington D.C. Voice: 202.224.5251 Fax:
202.224.6331 or you can e-mail him by going
to: http://www.senate.gov/~hatch/help_contact.htm on the www. Voice or
fax is probably better for those not resident in Utah.
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