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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN AB: Pot Party Head Says BC Rival Is Blowing Smoke
Title:CN AB: Pot Party Head Says BC Rival Is Blowing Smoke
Published On:2001-11-28
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 03:21:19

The head of the Marijuana Party of B.C. wants to set up a political party
in this province as an alternative to the existing Marijuana Party of Alberta.

"This party will be more libertarian, more free-market oriented, more
geared by people who are influential in Alberta politics already,"
president Marc Emery said yesterday.

"It will have a much more broader hook than just legalizing marijuana."

Emery said the party, which he won't name yet, would also focus on
"taxation and fiscal issues" and would pressure the provincial and federal
governments "to keep (the) gun registry out of Alberta."

Emery said the Marijuana Party of Alberta, headed by marijuana legalization
activist Ken Kirk, is "very ineffective." He added he's cutting off funding
to the party, to which he donated about $5,000 over the last year.

"It's never been a happy meeting of the minds," Emery said. "Ken Kirk calls
himself the leader of the druids. I have no difficulty with people's
religious association, but that's a bit too bizarre for mainstream people
who want to get involved with political parties.

"People need to see some degree of stability and solidness in a person
who's in a leadership position."

But Kirk said yesterday the B.C. marijuana party should butt out of his
party's affairs.

Kirk said he's concerned Emery is trying to force him out of his leadership

"He's basically saying he's going to throw his financial support behind
someone else," Kirk said.

He said that while he is "the pope of the Church of Reformed Druids," his
religion has little to do with his politics.

"(Emery) tends to want to paint me a nut because of it," Kirk said. "It
basically boils down to this - he's going to throw his money into an
organization he can dictate from B.C."
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