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News (Media Awareness Project) - Salute To DrugSense
Title:Salute To DrugSense
Published On:2001-12-01
Source:Steve Kubby
Fetched On:2008-01-25 03:06:43

by Steve Kubby

As we begin a new year, it is important to give recognition to those who
have done so much to help the cause of drug policy reform. DrugSense has
made a big difference in this world and for that they deserve our
recognition and our support.

When a 20 member SWAT team raided, robbed and dragged us off to jail, we
used our one call to contact Mark Greer, the founder and Executive Director
of DrugSense. Calling Mark was the most important call we made, because
DrugSense has such an enormous impact on the Net and in the media.

The police were clearly shaken by the torrent of e-mail and letters to the
editor that MAP generated, following our arrest. One officer (who was
obviously upset) even asked me if we could post something saying that the
North Tahoe Task Force, not the Placer Sheriff's Deputies were the ones who
arrested us.

Since its inception in 1996, DrugSense has grown from an e-mail list which
collected news clippings from the major national newspapers, to the world's
most accessed website for drug policy news and opinion.

See their history at http://www.drugsense.org/history.htm

This year DrugSense published over 2,772 PUB LTEs, averaging 53 per week.
This past year's equivalent advertising value was nearly $3 million.

DrugSense also provides top quality ISP services for dozens of reform
organizations. Matt Elrod webmaster@mapinc.org runs the show and I have
yet to find a smarter or more helpful webmaster. Matt has done a great
deal of work on behalf of dozens of organizations. The entire drug reform
movement owes a lot to the hard work and genius of Matt Elrod.

Another unsung hero is Richard Lake, who serves as Senior Editor for
DrugSense and plays a key role, behind the scenes, in helping drug reform
organizations get their message out. Richard was a big reason our arrest
made such a big impact on the Internet.

Dr. Tom O'Connell is another DrugSense hero who edits their weekly
newsletter and is probably better informed on drug policy reform than
anyone else around.

We salute the entire staff of hardworking volunteers and DrugSense and urge
everyone to support this extraordinary organization.
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