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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: Series: Part 1 - The Hidden Scourge
Title:US IL: Series: Part 1 - The Hidden Scourge
Published On:2001-12-02
Source:Daily Herald (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 03:00:55
Series: Part 1


Club drugs and snortable, high-grade heroin have taken hold of a segment of
the suburbs' teen and young adult population, creating a hidden subculture
filled with more addicts, more traumatized families and more deaths than
they did just three years ago, experts say.

More young people are trying the drugs, believing they are relatively harmless.

They're not.

Heroin and club drugs have contributed to at least 13 suburban deaths in
just the past two years. Club drugs caused or contributed to the deaths of
four Northwest and West suburban teens. And heroin overdoses are the
suspected cause or a contributing factor in at least eight deaths in the
suburbs in the past two years. One young adult had both club drugs and
heroin in his system when he died.

Plano, Texas, attracted national attention when heroin overdoses killed 19
young adults there between 1996 and 1998.

But the alarm here is not widespread despite the tragic toll quietly mounting.

"It's everywhere," Roselle Deputy Police Chief Pat Dempsey said of heroin.
"We've had too many kids die."

Illicit use of heroin and club drugs is the suburbs' secret scourge.

Club drugs, so called because they are sold widely in nightclubs, began
surfacing here in 1997 most often in the form of pills. Many teens and
young adults think pills are safe because they've taken them all their
lives to feel better. Heroin, likewise, seems less dangerous because it no
longer requires the use of a needle.

Many suburban police officers say cocaine remains the most widely abused
drug they encounter. But while those abusing club drugs and heroin remain a
minority, these particular drugs are so powerful and volatile that drug
researchers, treatment providers and some law enforcement authorities say
they should be a cause of more widespread concern among suburban residents.

"What used to be mainlined is now mainstreamed," said Carol Falkowski, one
of 20 drug abuse researchers nationwide who analyze information for the
National Institute on Drug Abuse. "It's part of this whole nonchalance
about drugs."

Widespread harm

Heroin and club drug abuse causes problems beyond the boundaries of its
users' homes. Drug abusers endanger others as they drive under the
influence. Heroin addiction is so potent that it pushes many young users to
commit retail theft, robbery and burglary to get cash for dope. Some police
officials attribute as much as 80 percent of property crimes to drug users.

Several factors have converged to keep the suburban drug scourge hidden
even as heroin and club drug use and lethal abuse rise.

* Small, $25-$40 pills marked with cultural icons such as the Nike logo and
smiley faces easily can be mistaken by parents for an average Advil. Clear,
club drug liquids mixed with water, juice or sport drinks also are
difficult to detect.

* These drugs can be consumed quickly and do not produce the tell-tale
odors that accompany alcohol and marijuana consumption. But they can be
deadly. Several teens died either from taking pills much more potent than
what they thought they were buying or from taking too much of the drug they

* The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration recently called the rise in
heroin purity and drop in price in the past two decades "unprecedented."
That remarkable rise in purity now makes heroin easier to consume because
needles no longer are needed.

* Suburban teens and young adults hop in their SUVs, travel the Eisenhower
Expressway to Chicago's West Side, quickly buy a $10 bag of heroin
available from dealers on practically every other side street, and often
snort the drug before they even begin a return trip home that has the
potential to endanger dozens of innocent lives.

Those facts make fighting the illegal heroin and club drug trade difficult,
to say the least, for parents, police and prosecutors. Experts say the drug
usage is so easy to conceal many parents and police officers may be unaware
of the full extent of the problem.

"Most parents are absolutely clueless," said Falkowski. "They think of
being at college with a little pot around."

Many parents who are aware of drug abuse by their children also are
reluctant to seek help or publicize their predicament.

Some parents struggle to deal with drug problems in the privacy of their
homes; some fear what their friends, neighbors and co-workers might think.

"Don't put his name in the paper," asked one parent grieving the
heroin-overdose-related death of her son in western DuPage County. Another
suburban woman said, "You can't use my name. I'm known in the community. My
daughter's known," even as she pleaded for more media attention on Ecstasy
and other club drugs -- something she called "a plague on our youth."

For Sale Near You

Club drugs can be purchased throughout the suburbs, frequently flowing in
after being smuggled from European sources. They are taken by teens in
small groups, in clubs and at all-night dance parties called raves.

"The flavor of the day in the suburbs is the raves," said Thomas Donahue,
executive director of the Chicago office of the High Intensity Drug
Trafficking Area, a federal agency that helps fund joint drug
investigations among different police agencies.

"Heroin has stayed under the radar," Donahue said. Some suburban police
departments don't make many heroin arrests, he said, because users go to
the city to buy it and frequently ingest it there.

Suburban police officers may not make many heroin arrests compared to other
drugs, but they are making enough to indicate growing use and abuse.

An analysis of Daily Herald articles found 93 people charged with heroin
possession and 106 people charged with club drug possession during 2000 and
most of 2001. A majority of those charged were in their 20s.

In one two-week period in mid-October, Rolling Meadows police found two
bags containing 59.5 grams of suspected heroin and Schaumburg police
announced the arrest of 22 people for dealing and possession of club drugs.

Quantifying the extent of heroin and club drug use remains a vexing problem
because so many users so easily hide their habit and most police
departments and even some rehab centers do not differentiate between
different types of illegal drugs when they keep records.

That said, emergency room visits in which the most popular club drug,
Ecstasy, was mentioned increased 62 percent from 1999 to 2000 in the
Chicago metro area, according to a federal tracking survey of 21
communities. Ecstasy, the most common street term for
methylenedioxymethamphetamine, is a hallucinogenic stimulant that heightens
users' senses and energy. Early studies of it have found it may cause
permanent brain damage.

The number of instances of heroin being present in exams by Chicago metro
medical examiners more than doubled from 1996 to 1999, according to the
survey. There were 457 instances of heroin reported in 1999.

Federal officials conservatively estimate there are 977,000 hard-core
heroin addicts in the United States.

Nationally, more than 75,000 high school seniors, about equal to
Schaumburg's population, reported ever having used heroin in 2000 as part
of the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future study. The percentage
of those reporting use rose four-tenths of a percent from 1999.

More than 325,000 high school seniors reported last year ever having tried
Ecstasy. The percentage of seniors who said they ever had tried the drug
nearly doubled from the previous year.

Another 1.9 percent of seniors reported using GHB, or gamma
hydroxybutyrate, a depressant, and 2.5 percent reported using ketamine,
known as "Special K" or "K," an anesthetic used in veterinary medicine.

Supply And Demand

Throughout the West and Northwest suburbs drug counselors also report
rising numbers of younger clients seeking treatment.

Many suburban police, hospital, and other officials who responded to a
Daily Herald survey indicated they expect to handle more or at least as
many incidents involving heroin and club drugs this year as they did last year.

For instance, DuPage County Coroner Richard Ballinger estimated his office
already had handled about twice as many deaths involving heroin during the
first nine months of this year than it did last year. Likewise, the DuPage
County crime lab had handled almost as many tests for heroin in the first
nine months of this year as it did for all of last year, according to
statistics provided by the sheriff's office.

Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital in Hoffman Estates and
emergency department officials at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington
Heights also reported being on pace to exceed last year's numbers of those
seeking help for heroin and club drug use.

A majority of police agencies who responded to the survey said cocaine
remains the drug they encounter most. But more than one-third said heroin
was the established drug that had spiked the most in 2000 and 2001. Asked
which of the group of newer stimulant and depressant club drugs they
recently had encountered most, two-thirds of police, hospitals, coroners
and school officials said Ecstasy.

Another indicator of rising hard drug use is that nearly 1,000 people 17
and older currently are taking methadone at five clinics scattered
throughout the suburbs. Methadone is an opiate which blocks the high heroin
produces when taken at proper dosages. The overwhelming majority of
methadone patients are seeking help for a heroin addiction, clinic
directors said.

Many more are not in treatment or likely are seeking help that does not
make use of another drug at the scores of other drug rehabilitation centers
scattered throughout the suburbs.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates less than 20 percent of the
nation's heroin addicts seek treatment through the use of methadone or
another opiate.

Use of heroin and club drugs also has been fueled by the ease in availability.

U.S. Customs Service officials said they seized 2,555 pounds of heroin last
fiscal year, a 33 percent increase over the previous year. Ecstasy and
other club drugs are flooding the suburbs, despite several large busts in
recent years by police. Federal customs agents seized more than 9 million
tablets in 2000, a 2,150-percent hike from the 400,000 tablets confiscated
in 1997.

Just last May at O'Hare International Airport, customs inspectors found
118,000 Ecstasy pills inside wrapped birthday presents in the luggage of a
21-year-old unemployed actress traveling here from Brussels, Belgium. Those
pills alone had a street value of $3.5 million, customs officials said.

No one's figured out how to stop the demand for drugs anywhere.

Tom Carnevale, a 21-year-old Lisle resident, hopes to do what he can to
dampen that demand. He speaks about the dangers of drugs with the authority
of an addict.

Carnevale is battling heroin dependency. He knows from first-hand
experience suburban teens and young adults from upper middle class
backgrounds are the ideal target market for heroin and club drug sellers.

"If we're not awake to it and try to prevent it," Carnevale said, "it's
just going to get worse and more kids are going to die. . We cannot turn
our heads away any longer."

Drugs: No one has figured out how to stop demand
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