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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: PUB LTE: Drugs Aren't The Problem
Title:CN ON: PUB LTE: Drugs Aren't The Problem
Published On:2001-12-04
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:57:11

Re Ecstasy suspected in cyber-cafe death, Dec. 3.

Despite deputy chief coroner Dr. Barry McLellan's statement that toxicity
reports will take months to be completed, the police and officials are
claiming that Nicole Malik's unfortunate death is a result of the effects
of ecstasy (MDMA). This amounts to fear- mongering on the part of
legislators with special interests.

It baffles me that all the so-called ecstasy-related deaths have as
statistics young users, the 17-to-25 set. Why is this happening? Why aren't
35-year-olds dying from the use of ecstasy? I am 33 and have over the past
few years, in the course of any given night out, used anywhere from one to
three hits of ecstasy and I'm still alive. A broader view of my social
group sees club goers from the ages of 25 to 55 using ecstasy on a regular
basis and they are all still alive. They are doctors, lawyers, teachers,
engineers, information technologists, librarians, insurance brokers and
real estate agents. All contributing members of society with respectable
professions that suggest a high level of education.

What was that? Education? Yes, and there's the key to survival in any given
situation; education. However, our present legislators and police chiefs
have generated a climate that does not encourage youth to educate
themselves regarding drug use.

Instead of giving unbiased and clear information to our youth regarding
drugs and putting the tools in their hands, we criminalize drugs, deterring
youth from finding out the truth and understanding the responsibilities
that attend their actions. Parents, who've never taken these drugs and who
largely don't know the first thing about club culture, are encouraged to
reiterate the hysteria handed down by law enforcement officials.

So long free thought and so long to a system that is supposed to encourage
debate, the hearing and understanding of various points of view to help us
build a society of citizens who are improved as a result of the debate. My
friends and I are alive, as we have said to hell with the police and
legislators who continue to pour new wine into very, very old skins.

Present laws and perceptions regarding drug use have moved beyond mere
irrelevance to tragic and sickening irresponsibility on the part of
government officials and law enforcers.

It's time for the folks in Toronto's City Hall and legislators across the
country to wake up and accept the fact that despite archaic and brutish
laws people, both young and old, are going to use drugs. It's time to
accept that fact and work with that reality instead of against it.

Glenn Curry

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