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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: Transcript: Governor Johnson's Visit To The NYT Drug Policy Forum
Title:US: Transcript: Governor Johnson's Visit To The NYT Drug Policy Forum
Published On:2001-12-05
Source:New York Times Drug Policy Forum
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:33:29

Dean Becker The New York Times and the Participants of the Drug Policy
Forum are proud to announce the Guest appearance on our screens, to answer
questions about the decades old drug war, the Governor of the Great State of
New Mexico, Gary Johnson!

Governor Gary Johnson Hello. This is Governor Johnson. Thank you for all of
your questions. I will answer as many as I can within the next hour (until 4
PM Mountain time).

Mr. Freedom Governor Johnson, Thank you for being here, and for your public
stance on the issue of marijuana legalization.

Do you see any way for the legalization of marijuana to happen in the next 5
years or so?

Aside from writing to our senators and congressmen is there any way for an
informed citizen to help this come about?

Governor Gary Johnson Regarding legalization of marijuana, I don't see it
happening in the next five years. It would be great to see some
decriminalization initiatives over that same time.

Jerry9 The Prohibition of Alcohol ended at 5 p.m. EST on this date in 1933.

Richard Lake The Miami Herald article about Irvin Rosenfeld leaves out the
real story, IMHO.

Irvin is one of the handful of patients who is provided his marijuana by the
federal government.

The Feds, the DEA, have made it very clear to us all that they think they
are in charge and that the states have no say in what may be a legal

Thus I think it should be pointed out to the paper that the very idea that
the states should have any say in where a patient goes with the marijuana he
has in a tin with a proper label from the feds is just wrong.

They can't have it both ways.

The reporter missed the whole point of the story, I think.

Governor Gary Johnson Regarding medical marijuana, citizens have voted in
favor of this whenever given the chance. It has support nationwide. It's a
shame that the government has decided to crack down on cannabis clubs in

Jerry9 Governor Johnson, we hope that within the lifetime of some of us,
the Government of the United States will admit to the multiple evils of the
demonization and criminalization of Cannabis sativa, and thus end the "War
On Drugs."
At that time there will probably be Thousands of incarcerated citizens who
will rightfully seek compensation and reparation for the damages done to
their lives.

Even such experts as Judge Gray (as in "How Our Drug Laws Have Failed And
What We Can Do About It") fail to address this potential problem. Some of us
sincerely believe that a program similar to the G I Bill of Rights could
MUST be implemented. Do you, Sir, have an opinion on this idea?

Governor Gary Johnson With regard to compensation for those who have been
convicted of marijuana crimes, my understanding is that if this would not
have been included in the Alaska initiative, marijuana, at this time, might
be legalized.

Burnzred Governor Johnson

Would you consider running for a congressional seat representing New Mexico?
You could team up with the honorable Ron Paul and perhaps open the eyes of
some of those other incumbents.

Governor Gary Johnson Regarding running for a Congressional seat, I am not
running for any other political offices in New Mexico, however I hope to
stay involved in drug policy reform.

Dean Becker Governor,
I admire you for the stance you have taken.

Why are so many others unwilling to face the facts, that the drug war is a
miserable failure?

Abgerard Governor Johnson, what can ordinary citizens can do to hasten the
decriminalization of cannabis?

Sabine Jade Hello Gov. Johnson. You are my hero! Anyway - I am a 26 year
college student (with honors) and a very productive member of society. What
do you think is the most effective way that I can lend my voice to the war
against the war on drugs?

Governor Gary Johnson Dear Sabine Jade, You can speak intelligently, you
can become informed, you can become involved in the political process.
Please do.

Jerry9 Governor Johnson, If Cannabis sativa were legalized today, would
you think that those who are in prison due to "marijuana crimes" should be
pardoned, released, and compensated with a form of G I BILL??

Dean Becker Governor Johnson,
A quick snapshot of some recent news

1. Researchers in the UK proclaimed last month that Medical Marijuana is a
MIRACLE for many illnesses and conditions. Even before this proclamation of
the miracle, the home secretary, David Blunkett was moving cannabis from the
list of hard drugs.

2. The country of Bolivia is at the edge of war. Peasants, transportation
workers, police, doctors, factions of the military and many others are
calling strikes, blockading roads. These people are trying to compel the
government to end the destructive patterns of abuse that results from
following the dictates of the US drug war. Bolivia is close to becoming a
carbon copy of Colombia, again, complete with paramilitary sponsored by the

3. The countries of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Germany,
France and many others have seen the folly that is our drug war. These
countries have decriminalized, legalized or otherwise turned the other way
from incarcerating its citizens for possession of minor amounts of cannabis
or in some cases, all drugs.

4. Throughout Mexico, most of Central and South America, most of Africa and
Asia it is not a crime to possess small amounts of drugs for personal use.

The items of "news" I referenced above are not covered at all by US media.
We are continually denied the truth, barred from the reality that could save
thousands of lives.

My Question for You Sir

How can we open the eyes of the newspaper editors, how can we better appeal
to the television producers, how can we better restore dignity to truth, the
whole truth, nothing but the truth? ...

Thank you sir!

Governor Gary Johnson Regarding question #38958, clearly many other parts
of the world are way ahead of us regarding drug reform. It's a shame that
the media reports he said / she said, rather than the facts surrounding drug
prohibition and legalization.

Catherine Austin Fitts Governor Johnson
Great to see you doing an internet forum. Congrats.

What negative feedback have you had to manage as a result of your stance,
and what strategies have you used to do so?

Catherine Austin Fitts

Governor Gary Johnson Dear catherinesolari, The feedback I have gotten has
been overwhelmingly positive among citizens. I believe citizens are way
ahead of the politicians on this one.

Nicfit1 Do you think that the changes in marijuana laws in England will
have an effect on our laws? How about the changes in Canada?
BTW Thank you for appearing here!

Governor Gary Johnson About changes in England and potentially Canada, I
have to believe this will have a positive impact here. I recently testified
before the Canadian parliament on drug reform. The testimony went great. I'm
optimistic that their initiatives will advance the elimination of

Angalena Gov. Johnson, How do you feel about personal doctors treating
patients with Methadone for opiate addiction?

Governor Gary Johnson angalena, Regarding methadone, I absolutely favor
physicians being able to use this for heroin- addicted patients. I also
think the heroin maintenance strategy implemented in Zurich, Switzerland
would be valuable in the United States.

Bigring3 governor Johnson, off the subject of drug policy for a moment.
will you be competing in ironman Utah in June? if so, would you like to
visit us in Tucson for a winter training trip? if not, will we see you at
the Mt. Taylor quad in February?

Governor Gary Johnson Dear bigring3, Yes - as a matter of fact. I hope to
compete at the Ironman in June in Utah.

Earpi Governor Johnson, What is your position regarding Plan Colombia and
the multi-billion dollar aid package?

Governor Gary Johnson Dear earpi, Plan Colombia seems to be a continuation
of our pissing in the wind strategy.

and your staff for your response.


1. Will you ever consider running or getting some other responsible
politician to run against the intransigent and intolerant Pete Dominicci?

2. Since control of the prohibition drug policy will always to centered in
the U.S. Congress do you see any future in trying to focus reform efforts on
congress as the source of the policy problem?
National Security

3. If Speaker Hastert is right in claiming that illegal drug dollars, in
part, finance terrorists shouldn't America be reviewing the Controlled
Substances Act so that drug profits go to pharmacists and state regulated
producers and purveyors rather than to people who want to kill us?

4. I am sure that your state budget is in as much of a mess as all others,
if not worse for your being a front line state with a face on potential
southern turmoil, how will you reconcile continued law enforcement dollars
for narcotics officers, court time and penal costs when you have local and
national facilities to secure and a border to watch for terrorists? Aside
from the law enforcement resource limitations the single fact that all of
the contraband networks on the border are available to terrorist networks
makes me want to see the contraband networks mitigated quickly. Repealing
the CSA would do that.

A comment
Since the drug prohibition now has many national security issues attached to
it I would really like to see Secretary Schultz out in public more with his
valid opinions about the prohibition public and political policy. An Op/Ed
cod be very stimulating for public debate. If you ever speak with him again
please pass along my sentiments. Thanks.

Trippin Gov. Johnson, could you please comment on this observation.
New Mexico Medical Marijuana Law (HB 431; SB 319)
content of the bill states

"The bill does not allow marijuana use in public"
I know there's a big wall to climb to argue this point but I think people
who need marijuana as medicine should be able to smoke, ingest or inhale
vaporized marijuana in public as long as its not in a designated non smoking
area or areas where food is not permitted, whenever they should see fit to
medicate themselves.

It seems like its saying yes you can use marijuana as medicine but you have
to hide your use.

Being a person with medical impairments, I use marijuana to ease my pain, I
can tell you there are many, many times when I am in public and need to have
my marijuana medication but have to wait in pain until I get into a private
setting where I can give myself my medication. It makes life even that much
harder and painful. It seems to me that bringing medical marijuana totally
out into the public would remove a huge stigmatism about marijuana that
society seems to be harboring.

Governor Gary Johnson Aahpat - Regarding your question about Congress, I
think reform will have to occur in the states first. I won't be running
against Dominici. The ultimate irony may be that the drug trade is financing
a modern day Al Capone, Osama bin Laden.

Aahpat But so long as the congress can suppress the states and subvert any
democratic demonstration within the states it is just nibbling at the edges
to avoid confronting the congress for its leadership.

The Supreme Court as much as said that med./mari is a congressional issue in
their cannabis club decision.

Besides, there are fewer members of congress to change than there are state
legislators and state majorities.

My two cents.

Here is a page that I am creating to confront the congress about its
continuing suppression of democracy by suppressing Washington, D.C.
Initiative 59.

Mhfjhu Governor Johnson, why does is much of the focus of the drug war
aimed at stopping the importation of marijuana when other drugs, such as
cocaine and heroin are much more detrimental to society?

Governor Gary Johnson Mhfjhu - I believe that by starting with the
legalization of marijuana, we will reduce overall substance abuse. Any
"gateway" aspect of marijuana gets eliminated with legalization.

Syonne Gov. Johnson --

Our drug war, more than the horrible street drugs, is destroying the

In perilous times, why doesn't political leadership dare to end the
evil/fascist drug war, unless they are the true problem?

Governor Gary Johnson Syone - This is a democracy. We do elect these
people. I would hope you would work within the system to change the system.

Thank you for allowing me to be here today.

Goodbye. - Governor Gary Johnson

Dean Becker This transcript is sure to be read by many thousands of
concerned American citizens. I want you to know that I have been dealing
with Asa Hutchinson's office to invite him to appear on these screens as
well. So far, no response, but you can be sure they will receive a copy of
this transcript as well.

Thank you Governor!

Nicfit1 Thanks for answering questions, Governor. Good luck making progress
on this is

Richard Lake Thank you, Dean, and also NYTIMES.COM for making this happen.

Looking forward to the transcript!

Dean Becker After he left the screens I got a chance to talk to the
Governor on the phone.

He is willing to join one of our panels this spring, such as the "Indictment
of Prohibition" panel coming up on Jan. 7, featuring Judge Gray, Milton
Friedman, Catherine Austin Fitts and Eugene Oscapella.

Thank you Governor Johnson, outstanding visit here!

Kate NYT Hey, everyone. Thanks for the chat, I thought it went great.

Trippin Thanks everyone for your efforts

The New York Times



and any one else I missed

Aahpat Thanks all. Tons of fun
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