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News (Media Awareness Project) - Year-End Contribution To DrugSense/MAP
Title:Year-End Contribution To DrugSense/MAP
Published On:2001-12-10
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:33:23
Please Copy And Distribute As You Deem Appropriate

Please Consider a Tax Deductible Year-End Contribution To DrugSense/MAP

See http://www.drugsense.org/donate.htm

Dear Friends:

As we approach the end of the tax year, some of you are in the
enviable position of having discretionary income to support
charitable causes which you believe are important for the welfare of
our nation and the world.

I would appreciate your giving serious consideration to making a
significant year end donation to MAP/DrugSense to enable us to
maintain our work and expand our services in the New Year.

If we could raise an additional $50,000, this is what we could

By June 2002

Launch a first-ever extensive and up-to-date media contact database
to enable local media activism on a nationwide basis.

Increase the DrugSense DrugNews archive from 70,000 to 76,000 fully
searchable drug related news articles.

By December 2002

Increase the number of active state- and issue-based drug policy
subgroups from 21 organizations to 35 total groups.

Increase the number of letter- and article-writing volunteer
activists from 3,000 to 4,000.

Increase from $7.6 million to $8.5 million dollars the cumulative
value of media coverage generated on behalf of the drug policy reform
movement by MAP volunteers to date.

Participate in at least 15 new radio talk show and broadcast media

Create and distribute "Five Year Plan to End the Drug War" designed
to provide guidance, a cohesive strategy, and an overall game plan to
the diverse and growing reform movement.

We will also continue and expand our efforts to provide web hosting
and support services for a wide array of other reform minded groups
nation and worldwide. We currently provide various types of web
support to more than 50 drug policy reform focused groups. Notable
clients include The Lindesmith Center/Drug Policy Foundation
(TLC/DPF), the National Association for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
(NORML), the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), and the Harm Reduction
Coalition (HRC) and many others. For a more complete list please
see: http://www.drugsense.org/sitemap.htm

As I have mentioned in previous fund raising communication, our
entire staff earn hourly wages that hover around the minimum wage
level, arguably even lower in some cases. Our main sustenance is the
knowledge that we are visited by twenty-thousand people a day (we
serve more than 200,000 files every day!) We have accomplished all
this on an annual budget of under $150,000! You can see that you
would have a hard time finding a more dedicated, talented and harder
working group that accomplishes so much with every dollar.

MAP / DrugSense is a 501( c )3 organization which means that donations
qualify for charitable deductions on your income tax.

If you would like more detail as to our accomplishments and future
goals please visit our 2002 On-line Grant Proposal at

For your convenience, your contribution can be made on-line using
your credit card at http://www.drugsense.org/donate.htm

Alternately you may mail a check made our to either DrugSense or MAP
Inc. to

PO Box 651,
CA 93258

We wish you much pleasure during the holiday season and a happy and
successful New Year. If you have the discretionary resources, please
help us to have the same.

Mark Greer, Executive Director
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