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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Series: The Drug Issue, Part 12 Of 13
Title:CN BC: Series: The Drug Issue, Part 12 Of 13
Published On:2001-12-11
Source:Langley Advance (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:29:04
Series: The Drug Issue, Part 12 Of 13


Nearly everyone will agree that drug abuse is a problem, and that the
problem is growing. But ask ten people what should be done about drug
abuse, and you'll get eleven different answers.

Many believe the answer lies in harsher penalties for drug abusers.
Some feel that "more teeth" in laws against possession and trafficking
of illegal drugs would either deter abuse, or simply make it harder to
get illicit substances and reduce abuse in that way. Others feel the
laws are adequate - but are not adequately enforced.

Many want to relax - or eliminate - laws which they feel raise the
price of illegal drugs and force increased criminal activities by
those trying to get money to support their habits.

This week's question:

Are Canada's drug laws too tough?

Results: 194 responses

Yes: 5% (9)

No: 95% (185)
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