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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: 2 LTE: Bravo To Kelvin For Doing 'Right Thing'
Title:CN MB: 2 LTE: Bravo To Kelvin For Doing 'Right Thing'
Published On:2001-12-09
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:21:51

Re: Drug police cuff kids at Kelvin (Dec. 1). Bravo principal Glen Eliasson!
Now a fine school, that has had a reputation for excellence in academics,
sports and the performing arts, will also have a reputation as a highly
respected, safe school. The community and school board must be proud to have
a principal who will "do the right thing" even at the risk of considerable
public exposure. Most students must be appreciative and relieved to have a
school setting where drug deals are not allowed to take place.

I wish those troubled teens success, now that they've been given the chance
to turn their lives around. All schools and students deserve a principal
with the courage and integrity to ensure that they all get that opportunity.

Jean Ogren, Winnipeg


It's a good thing that the police did an undercover number on Kelvin drug
pushers and that the media were there to capture the event! Those kids who
are mindlessly and irresponsibly pushing life-threatening, life-debilitating
chemicals such as ecstasy on their fellow students should feel the full
brunt of the law.

According to Carol Falkowski, in her book entitled Dangerous Drugs, as well
as other sources, ecstasy, which can raise the body temperature to 109, can
cause death, brain damage, a lifetime of permanent insomnia, paranoia,
paranoid schizophrenia, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, seizures and
loss of consciousness.

Parents of those convicted should also be fined. Furthermore, police should
put great pressure on those charged to reveal who their suppliers are. A
former Kelvinite and an inner-city teacher, I would now think twice about
sending any of my three children into such a perilous educational atmosphere
at Kelvin High School.

Brian Mackinnon, Winnipeg
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