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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Changes For New Police Drug Squad
Title:Australia: Changes For New Police Drug Squad
Published On:2001-12-14
Source:Age, The (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-25 02:11:47

Victorian police drug squad members will be subject to random drug and
alcohol tests in a radical clean-up of the squad, media reports said today.

Reports said police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon had dissolved the
squad, replacing it with a group called the major drug investigation division.

Ms Nixon told 60 officers yesterday they had lost their jobs with the squad
but were free to apply for positions with the new squad, The Age newspaper

Under the clean-up, prompted by a four-month internal review of the squad
following claims of corruption, a taskforce will be established to
investigate drug squad corruption.

Squad officers will also be subject to random tests and can serve no more
than five years in the squad, with new standards for dealing with informers
and handling sting operations to be introduced, The Age reported.

It said laws would also be established to prevent police storing large
amounts of drugs for evidence and drugs would be stored in tamper-proof
evidence bags.

Ms Nixon ordered the review in August after Police Ombudsman Barry Perry
raised concerns about a number of incidents within the squad, including
alleged theft of drugs and documents.

It also followed the charging of a senior drug squad detective over an
alleged $3 million ecstasy haul, and separate charges against a former drug
squad officer for trafficking.

Ms Nixon told The Age the actions of some had tainted the squad's image.

"The vast majority of people in the drug squad have demonstrated the
highest level of honesty and integrity," she said.

"Like me, they are bitterly disappointed by the actions of just a couple of
people who have cast a shadow over the success of the drug squad."
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