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News (Media Awareness Project) - Transcript: Nol van Schaik's Visit To The DrugSense Chat Room
Title:Transcript: Nol van Schaik's Visit To The DrugSense Chat Room
Published On:2002-01-06
Source:The DrugSense Chat Room
Fetched On:2008-01-25 00:40:19
Future Scheduled Guests:

MONDAY, JAN 7th in the New York Times Drug Policy Forum
at 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific:

PANEL - "INDICTMENT OF PROHIBITION" with Judge James P. Gray, Milton
Friedman, Eugene Oscapela and Catherine Austin Fitts.

Judge Jim Gray's Website http://www.judgejimgray.com/ More about Judge Gray

Read about Nobel prize winning economist Milton Friedman at
http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/bios/friedman.html More at
http://www.mapinc.org/people/Milton+Friedman "Who would believe," Friedman
asks, "that a democratic government would pursue for eight decades a failed
policy that produced tens of millions of victims and trillions of dollars
of illicit profits for drug dealers, cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of
dollars, increased crime and destroyed inner cities, fostered widespread
corruption and violations of human rights - and all with no success in
achieving the stated and unattainable objective of a drug-free America."

Canadian Barrister and Solicitor Eugene Oscapella, a founding member,
Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy ( www.cfdp.ca ) recently presented "How
Drug Prohibition Finances and Otherwise Enables Terrorism"
http://www.cfdp.ca/eoterror.htm to the Senate of Canada Special Committee
on Illegal Drugs.

Catherine Austin Fitts bio is at http://solari.com/about/ca_fitts.html She
is the author of 'Narco-Dollars For Dummies' linked from
http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01/n1887/a08.html See also


Dean Becker:

Nol, any more word from Colin?

Nol van Schaik:

I an ready, coffee, and a joint of haze in my face, ask me what ???


gooieavond, Mr. Nol! welkom in onse kammer!


guten morgan her Nol_van

Nol van Schaik:

Colin is due in court on coming 11th, he as a last chance before the Judges
Chamber, to get bail.

Nol van Schaik:

I thought it was 14/2, 11/1 is his next appearance, to decide if he stays

Dean Becker:

Nol, is the Dutch Experience up and running well, no more hassles?

Nol van Schaik:

Colin is up to what he is facing, he will do the time...

Nol van Schaik:

No more hassles since last Thursday, business as usual, a bit slow now !

Dean Becker:

Colin is bearing the heat for many. You have to admire that.

Nol van Schaik:

Colin has been acquitted twice already for supplying his patients, he will
probably be acquitted again by a jury...


Nol...what kind of time is Colin looking at?

Nol van Schaik:

The court fears he will be acquitted for the 3rd time, so they keep him now...

Nol van Schaik:

He could be in for a year, if they can get him to be found guilty by a jury.


so he may yet be acquitted again, hopefully?

Dean Becker:

It seems that every aspect of drug prohibition centers around fear

Nol van Schaik:

If it its up to the jury, coming from the public, he will have a good chance...


what effects can a writing campaign from people over here influence events?

Nol van Schaik:

No more fear in Stockport, everybody visiting is ready to be arrested, or
is arrested before...

Nol van Schaik:

Write to Colin, he can use every support, we are writing to the authorities
too, no sign of an answer.


Colin Davies, HM Prisons, Strangeways, Southall St., Manchester, M60 9AH
United Kingdom

Dean Becker:

That series of arrests is what will make it happen Nol, I agree. If only
we could be as brave over here.

Nol van Schaik:

The UK needs more coffeeshops, to divide the attention.


Nol, just wondering, do the coffee shops sell hash or marijuana?

Nol van Schaik:

There will be more arrests on 29/1/02, when the MEP's go to court in Stockport!

Dean Becker:

It lifts my heart, makes me smile to hear such news Nol.

Nol van Schaik:

Colin is sure he will be acquitted, we just hope he is right.


they are very brave patriots.. I know that history will look kindly on them

Nol van Schaik:

29/01/02 C!day in Stockport.

Nol van Schaik:

The day that the MEP's C!hris Davies and Marco C!apatto (italy), go to
court to face the magistrate for cannabis possession, to support Colin.

Nol van Schaik:

Supported by the need, I think the UK needs 7000 coffeeshops to supply the


LOL How many do you think the US needs?


and how many are there now? that's a lot, wow!


Perhaps one for every two bars???


I like Rich's model


WOW.. that would be awesome.. to go into a coffeeshop ..watch a little
Simpsons and toke down..

Nol van Schaik:

In Holland they go with 1 coffeeshop for 10.000 citizens.


1/10,000, 300,000,000 in US = yep! 30,000

Nol van Schaik:

A lot of coffeeshops means a lot of employment, I employ 40 people in 3
coffeeshops, all tokers.


it would boost the economy

Dean Becker:

sounds like a great job


Within 10 years we will have cannabis coffee shops!


that would be 400 in Houston..


Nol- Do the coffeshops also sell coffee? ;)

Nol van Schaik:

Haarlem has 16 coffeeshops, 160.000 inhabitants, the model for Holland.

Nol van Schaik:

And tea...


If they legalized it, you think Starbucks would cash in?


Do you have shops in Friesland?

Dean Becker:

Nol, describe some of the foodstuffs you sell please.

Nol van Schaik:

Yes Friesland has about 22 coffeeshops, gathered in a union...


Do they serve hot chocolate? I love to toke and drink hot chocolate..
Chocolate and marijuana go so well together

Nol van Schaik:

Tosti's, Ommelettes, Rolls, candy bars... and chocolate bars,
choc-lollypops and cakes with THC.


mmm Tostis!

Nol van Schaik:

We also have hot chocolate mix with Dutch THC, hot !!!


Chocolate and cannabis have similar chemicals. About issue #4, I think, of
High Times had a whole feature issue on that.

Dean Becker:

Nol, I have heard that the UK system of looking for imports is cratering,
that they let most shipments go thru even if they suspect it, not wanting
the hassle. True?

Nol van Schaik:

NO, I know from experience, the UK is under the terrorism act too.

Nol van Schaik:

Yes, before that , I just sent it to Colin, we lost 5 kilo's on 9/11, in
the mail for the opening on 15/11

Nol van Schaik:

Seeds do not stink, like our products...


Nol, so how is the new threat of terrorist affecting your supply?

Nol van Schaik:

No more Afgani hash available...


any other changes?

Nol van Schaik:

Growing is getting big fast in the UK.


What about Lebonese hash?

Nol van Schaik:

No, the other hashes are mostly from Hindu countries, and Morocco, they
keep on sending.

Dean Becker:

Do you feel that the UK government is going all the way to decrim/legal for
all drugs?

Nol van Schaik:

Lebanese will make it's comeback this year, the Bekaa valley is full of
plants again.

Nol van Schaik:

Even the film containers, sent from HOLLAND, for Colin's patients, do not
arrive, the custom has them.


Nol, do you have full public support for the coffeeshops?

Nol van Schaik:

65 % of the UK public wants it decriminalised, official survey .


Nol...who is defending Colin?...do you have a petition or anything from the
supporters in the community to submit on his behalf for release?

Nol van Schaik:

Yes, we have a petition running, in the DE, and in the rest of the UK, and
an appliance for Colin to be knighted, or to become a 'Sir".

Nol van Schaik:

Colin's solicitor is Lesley Herman, specialised in marihuana

Dean Becker:

Nol, you guys have so much style and sense of purpose. We need that over here.

Nol van Schaik:

The UK is strange, but not as tough on pot as the USA, we thought we could
do it there, now...

Nol van Schaik:

I am talking about hash and weed, not about sending seeds...


if you think UK is strange... try Quebec ! (province in Canada )

Nol van Schaik:

French territory, no go for me...


Nol, what is the French attitude towards legalization

Nol van Schaik:

In the UK, they grow from cuttings already, like in Holland, not much seeds

Nol van Schaik:

France is realising they should go Dutch too, Chirac is using cannabis
decrim in his next election campaign !!




now that's a surprise!

Nol van Schaik:

I am wanted in France though, for smuggling 200 kilo's of hash in/through,
long story.


People in France are getting in the action, the org receives lots of e-mails

Nol van Schaik:

Future coffeeshops in the UK are planned in Edinburgh, Bournemouth,
Taunton, Worthing, Dundee....


Nol, who will run the new coffeeshops?

Nol van Schaik:

And London, of course...

Nol van Schaik:

check out : www.dutchexperience.org

Dean Becker:

Nol, sounds so positive to send the drug lords packing, civilization.

Nol van Schaik:

go to forum, the history of the DE.

Nol van Schaik:

Yes, good quality and variety for all.

Nol van Schaik:

People from those places, pot patients mostly, they want to give it a
crack, I have spoken to them all.

Dean Becker:

At the site Nol references, you can link to Willie Wortel coffeeshop in the
Netherlands as well, good site.

Nol van Schaik:

We had a meeting with all future coffeeshop keepers in Stockport, before
our second march, most of them had themselves arrested, voluntary, for

Dean Becker:

Patriots.. for everyone's sake.


they were arrested voluntarily?

Nol van Schaik:

Yes , after two raids, we started to go to the local police station, to
have ourselves arrested with a joint...


Nol, the fact that they have a record does not interfere? do you need
licenses or permits as we do here to open or establish a business

Nol van Schaik:

40 people, including two Members of European Parliament, have followed me
to the cops, so far, I have been arrested twice

Nol van Schaik:

i am due in court in Stockport in 3 days.



Nol van Schaik:

It will be those with a record who will fight the battle and get the prices.

Dean Becker:

Please check back with us here and at NYT to let us know what's going on
once in a while. Our media is so corrupt we never hear anything over here.

Nol van Schaik:

Not yet, I will have to choose that there, was there on 27/12/01, they sent
me out after 2 minutes, adjourned.

Nol van Schaik:

I confessed the importation from Holland, of my weed, now they do not know
what to do with that.

Dean Becker:

Amazing, you astound me even more. I am an even bigger fan Nol.

Nol van Schaik:

I was not charged after my first arrest case discontinued, possession and
supply, I gave Colin a joint and a light, when the police were holding him


right on

Nol van Schaik:

I was not arrested in front of the police station, on 24/12/01, the lady I
handed the joint to, was arrested after she accepted it, on camera !

Dean Becker:

Crimes that only last a moment.. and then they are gone.

Nol van Schaik:

9 other people were arrested that day, all Britons, they are pissed and
feel discriminated


they should...they're victims

Nol van Schaik:

The Stockport cops are real nice though, they respect the way we stand up
for our rights, good hot chocolate!

Nol van Schaik:

We will use the footage in court...

Dean Becker:

Never met a good cop in Houston jails. Viscous is more like it.

Nol van Schaik:

I am registered in the police station with this occupation : Soft drugs


LOL. I love it!

Dean Becker:

LOL, yes a noble profession.


what do they have to say to that bit of quiet defiance?

Nol van Schaik:

They are not happy with the situation, they ask me : Why Stockport ? well,
Colin lives here...

Nol van Schaik:

They know my background, and are actually real curious, about my business
and the museum.

Dean Becker:

Nol, please describe a typical day in Willie Wortels, assuming all such
shops could one day be so civilized.

Nol van Schaik:

We open at 09.00, the coffee is always ready espresso...

Nol van Schaik:

the dealer takes his place, checks his stock, and orders what he needs from
my son in law, who supplies the shop with THC products.


Nol- I used to work the door and as bouncer at a bar/nightclub here in the
US... do the coffeeshops there have any problems like violence or rowdy

Nol van Schaik:

The customers come in and buy, some of them leave some of them stay and
shoot pool on one of our (2) tables.

Nol van Schaik:

Joints are being rolled, and consumed , at the bar, and around the tables,
all day, we close at 00.00 hrs.


is there a most popular product?

Nol van Schaik:

No violence and rowdies, pot, peace and pleasant people... I was a bouncer
in a Nightclub, 3 years, bounced a lot.

Dean Becker:

So, all in all, a regular business day with no shootouts or
kidnappings. Doesn't sound much like the US drug war at all.


this is painful, I feel like someone from the old Soviet Union hearing
about American supermarkets.

Nol van Schaik:

We are being checked by the police, 4 times a year, never any problem, the
police does not weigh the stock, and are just polite...

Nol van Schaik:

We have an annual meeting with the local cops and the city council.


what are the police checking for?


do you ever have any trouble from people who are not there as customers but
just want to come in and cause trouble?

Nol van Schaik:

Alcohol, under aged smokers weapons, and hard drugs ah, thank you


it sounds... so... so... civilized...


sounds too good to be true...like a fairy tale

Nol van Schaik:

They never find any, except the under aged smoker of 6'5...

Nol van Schaik:

The police are down with coffeeshops, no trouble, no work !


Nol- what are the perceptions of US Pot politics there?

Dean Becker:

And even then, Nol, they do not shut you down or fine you if it is
"reasonable" given the kids height?

Nol van Schaik:

We are horrified about what goes down in the USA, I meet a lot of your
people here, Lawyers too.

Nol van Schaik:

They can fine you, three fines will shut you down.

Nol van Schaik:

Lawyers who smoke pot, NORML people, good smokers.

Nol van Schaik:

Pot patients too, to stay here illegally !


Nol- How about at concerts etc., is public consumption common at these kind
of events?

Dean Becker:

Nol, do they need auditors, analysts, etc who speak English over there, any

Nol van Schaik:

Yes, smoking at concerts is normal behaviour, and make sit better quality
and peaceful.


how about technical support people who speak English?

Nol van Schaik:

Every Dutch person speaks and writes English...

Richard Lake:

Any job openings for quality control taste testers, Nol???

Nol van Schaik:

Well, I am thinking of retirement, a taster would come in handy LOL..


yes, but how hard is it to get a job and not be an "illegal alien" over there?


heck, I'll even be your janitor

Nol van Schaik:

My staff is difficult to get rid off, they never leave...


what would be the procedure for one who wanted to immigrate?

Nol van Schaik:

It is hard for non-Europeans to get a legal status in Holland, and housing
is expensive too, if not impossible.

Nol van Schaik:

You could start your own business though, online from Holland ?


Is there somewhere in Europe that it is easy to immigrate to .. then you
could immigrate to Holland as a European maybe?


Nol are you aware of the hemp bar, Nimbins on line illegal Cannabis cafe?

Dean Becker:

If I could ever sell a script I could hang out there and write.

Nol van Schaik:

Europe is hard to get in to, maybe the UK, dunno.


and what is the latest news on the Swiss dude who is on a hunger strike?


54 days now I believe,

Nol van Schaik:

I have met some people from Nimbin in our Global Hempmuseum, they are
ok...Mathew, I think..

Nol van Schaik:

Rappaz is still hungering, I believe...

Nol van Schaik:

I have never met Rappaz, though we have been in the same press articles..

Nol van Schaik:

It is past 3o'clock in the morning here, I am off, good night...


thanks for coming Nol


Thanks Nol!

Dean Becker:

Nol, you are so kind. Thank you.


thanks.. bye

Nol van Schaik:

We laughed at MC Caffrey, our government called him a liar...


appreciate your time and efforts Nol!

Dean Becker:

Come back and see us when you can Nol.

Nol van Schaik:

Ask me again, I will be here, some earlier ??

Dean Becker:

Will do, I'll be in touch soon

Nol van Schaik:

I will keep Dean updated on the situation in the UK around Colin.


Thanks Nol

Nol van Schaik:

Free Colin Davies !!!!!!!!!!

Dean Becker:

Yes, tell him we are all with him!

Nol van Schaik:

The Swiss model of dopeshops is for Swiss only, not for foreigners, not
fair, uh ?
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