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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: OPED: The Drug War Book
Title:US IL: OPED: The Drug War Book
Published On:2002-01-17
Source:Rock River Times (IL)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 23:52:05


I have just been reading a book called Drug War: Covert Money, Power, and
Policy by Dan Russell. Drug War is a massive 675 page expose on the drug
war. It names names, gives places and dates, and is well footnoted. But
before you dive into this book, be warned that the writer is very much a
hard leftist, and it shows in the adjectives used and the tone of the
writing. You could also say he was a great student of the secret
government. In other words, what would be commonly described as a
conspiracy theorist. He has also written a book, Shamanism and the Drug
Propaganda, Patriarchy and the Drug War. Now, my theory about the war
between the sexes is as follows: In a matriarchy, women control men through
economy and sex. Lineage is passed through the mother. In a patriarchy, men
control women through economy and physical power. Lineage is passed through
the father. In human history, patriarchies dominate. Why this is so is no
doubt an entertaining question. But that is a whole 'nuther story. All that
said, I still found the book very interesting.

The book is about power and mind control -- the power of one civilization
or culture to dominate and then extinguish another. When William Bennett
says America is in a culture war against drugs, he isn't kidding. And this
war did not start with Richard Nixon or the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914.
It began 500 years ago when the Spanish brought military power and the
Catholic Inquisition to the Americas. The Catholics were very insistent to
the point of torture and murder that no thoughts outside those allowed by
the church were permitted. Worship done under the influence of
mind-altering chemicals obtained from plants was to receive special
attention. The dogmatic absolutists of 500 hundred years ago have morphed
into the moral absolutists of today. What I like to call the American Taliban.

The power today is military and economic. The mind control is open and
obvious, which is why no one notices it. What you can think about is
controlled by making some subjects taboo, while giving you way too much
information on other subjects that were formerly hidden. In other words,
you will get plenty of stories and morality plays about the state of sex in
America. With all this hot stuff going on, you would think no subject was
taboo in the media. You would be wrong. When was the last time you heard an
anti-prohibition opinion whenever the government announces some new
draconian drug policy? The answer is that drug policy stories are never
balanced. This is funny in a country where the anti-terror war faction
comprising 10 percent of the population gets equal time with the pro-terror
war faction comprising 90 percent.

Seventy-five percent of Americans say the drug war is not working. About
half those people are ready for full legalization as the answer to the
problem. Yet, from the news reports and the way the subject is handled, you
would think that less than 1 percent of all Americans would fall in to
these categories, and those would be fringe wackos. The subject is
absolutely taboo.

Why do I think this is happening? Because the networks and newspapers all
get government funding. The networks depend on the government FCC for their
airwaves. And finally, they are all subject to FBI criminal investigation
and IRS financial investigation. A very big incentive to follow the
government line on critical policies. A word to the wise is usually
sufficient. Now you know why Gary Condit's sex life was more important than
the militarization of the drug war in South America when reporting on the
happenings in government and the world. You need to see
http://www.narconews.com/ if you want the current drug war news from
Central and South America.

Finally, I'd like to quote a paragraph from the book: "Fascism is
alwaysmaudlin. Industrial fascists need a scapegoat to coalesce. Without
the pharmakos, the Nigger, the Judas, the Witch, the Dealer, the Fiend, the
Hippie who inflicts such great hurt on Our Salvation, there is no
rationalefor an ongoing Inquisito, without which the structure of
industrial fascism would be left standing naked. It ain't so much what
they're for, it's what they're against."

You can find out about all these subjects and more by reading Drug War:
Covert Money, Power, and Policy, which I would give a 3.2 out of 4.0.
Michael C. Ruppert of www.copvcia.com has good things to say about it as
well. You can find out more about Dan Russell and his books at:
www.drugwar.com .

Saying of the week: The government as guardian of morality went out with
the Taliban. Ask a politician: Do you support drug prohibition because it
finances criminals at home or because it finances terrorists abroad?

This week's politician is: Senate Judiciary Committee Member Mr. Robert C.
Byrd of West Virginia Voice: (202) 224-3954 FAX: (304) 343-7144 e-mail:
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