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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TN: City Drug Arrests Hit All-Time High
Title:US TN: City Drug Arrests Hit All-Time High
Published On:2002-01-20
Source:Southern Standard, The (TN)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 23:33:02

Drug arrests hit an all-time high in McMinnville during 2001, with
police arresting narcotics suspects at a rate four times higher than
just two years ago. Joining the record high number of drug arrests was
an upturn in the overall crime rate which saw reported offenses rise
for a third consecutive year, taking a significant jump from the
preceding years. At the same time, the number of calls fielded by city
police also hit an all-time high.

The number of people arrested for drug charges came on the heels of
two major undercover operations during 2001. However, the main rise in
drug arrests came as result of routine police actions in situations
such as traffic stops where drugs were found in suspects' vehicles. In
total, there were 281 drug arrests during 2001, up markedly from the
preceding year when 192 arrests were made. Both years dwarfed 1999
when 61 drug arrests were made in the city limits.


The higher number of drug arrests spurred on a higher overall
arrest rate for city police as 1,284 people were arrested for various
offenses in the city limits during 2001. The number was up from 2000
when 1,200 people were arrested and 1999 when 1,110 were taken into
custody. However, the recent numbers paled in comparison to 1998 when
1,431 arrests were made.

While adult arrests showed a significant jump, the number of
juveniles, or persons under 18, taken into custody stayed steady with
194 juveniles arrested during 2001. The number was slightly higher
than 2000 when 184 were arrested and 1999 when 189 were taken into
custody. However, just like the adult arrest rate, 1998 led the way by
comparison when 203 juveniles were arrested.

Overall Crime

The year 2001 showed a continuing trend of increased
crime as 1,427 offenses were reported in the city limits. The number
comes on the heels of two years where the crime rate appeared to be
steady with 1,207 reports in 2000 and 1,204 in 1999.

The higher crime rate was closely associated with the increased number
of calls handled by city police as lawmen answered more calls for
service in McMinnville during 2001 than any time in history fielding
13,009 calls. The number was nearly 1,000 more than the preceding year
when 12,229 calls for service were made. The year also showed a
developing trend of where calls for service have increased by nearly
1,000 for the past four consecutive years as 11,922 calls for service
were received in 1999 and 10,882 in 1998.

When police weren't answering calls, they were busy writing citations
as police issued 4,727 tickets last year, compared to 3,989 the year
before. Citations were at their highest in 1999 when 4,915 tickets
were issued. Police worked 861 wrecks during 2001, up from 838 in
2000. They also answered 984 alarm calls, most of the false variety,
compared to 1,021 the year before.

However, in the same year when traffic enforcement was higher, the
number of persons arrested for drunk driving fell as 117 motorists
were arrested for DUI compared to 154 the preceding year. Once again,
1998 was the highest year for DUI arrests when 244 were made by city
officers. Cases of public intoxication stayed steady with 105 public
drunks arrested, two less than 2000.

Property Offenses

In a year which saw the overall crime rate rise,
property offenses of all sorts were down across the board.

Residential and vehicular burglaries continued their up-and-down cycle
as 141 break-ins were reported during 2001 compared to 143 in 2000.
Both years were up from 1999 when 104 were reported. The up-and-down
cycle was also true of thefts as 573 were reported last year compared
to 592 during 2000. Once again, 1999 held the lowest of the three
years with 467 reported. A major portion of the thefts reported were
still in the area of gas drive-offs as 104 occurred during 2001.

The number of frauds and forgeries, or paper crimes, went the same way
as burglary and thefts as 73 cases were reported last year compared to
91 in 2000 and 36 in 1999.

Violent Crime

No murders were reported in McMinnville during 2001.
Putting aside that good news, most other areas of violent crime were

Leading the way in violent crime was the number of assaults which
annually provide the lion's share of crimes in the violent category.

Assaults hit a three-year high with 228 reported last year compared to
206 in 2000 and 169 in 1999. Of that number, 152 of the incidents were
considered domestic assaults, a number up from 2000 when 138 domestics
were reported.

More serious aggravated assaults were also up with 32 reported
compared to 26 the year before. The number also reflected more serious
domestic aggravated assaults as 11 were reported compared to seven in

Robberies took the most marked increase during 2001, rising threefold
from the year before with 17 reported during 2001 compared to five the
year before. Eight of last year's robberies were cleared by arrest,
most notably the serial robbers known as the Bologna Bandits, whose
exploits accounted for three of the city's robberies.

The numbers of sex cases was the only violent crime statistic down
with 16 cases reported last year compared to 22 during 2000. Twelve of
the 16 cases were cleared by arrest.
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