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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ukraine: AIDS In Ukraine Jumps To The General Population
Title:Ukraine: AIDS In Ukraine Jumps To The General Population
Published On:2002-01-23
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 23:16:22

ODESSA, Ukraine -- No one outside a small sympathetic circle knows that
Iren is infected with H.I.V., not even her mother. Telling, she said, would
only "make trouble." It would also invite unkind assumptions, given the way
AIDS has cut through Ukraine, the nation with the worst problem in a region
where the disease is spreading with alarming speed.

"People would think I used drugs or I was a prostitute," said Iren, who
asked that her full name not be printed.

Neither is true of her, and that fact marks a long-dreaded departure in the
short history of AIDS in Ukraine. Until 1994, the disease was virtually
unknown, with only 187 cases diagnosed. Then drug addicts and prostitutes
became infected as society became freer, if poorer, with the fall the
Soviet Union.

While the infection rate is still low compared with that of Africa, between
300,000 and 400,000 people in Ukraine are now estimated to be infected with
H.I.V. That makes Ukraine the first nation in Europe with 1 percent of its
adult population infected. Throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia,
there has been an abrupt spike in H.I.V. infection rates.

Around the region, the number of infections is 15 times higher than it was
three years ago, largely because of intravenous drug use, according to the
United Nations.

In Russia alone, at least 75,000 people are estimated to have contracted
H.I.V. in 2001, mostly through shared needles. Dr. Peter Piot, executive
director of the overall United Nations AIDS program, warned recently that
an even larger epidemic in the former Soviet countries "may be imminent."

The disease is still spreading most among those at life's margins, as Iren,
who works for an agency that helps people with H.I.V., sees every day here
in Odessa, a Ukrainian port city that has been a center for the disease --
as well as for local activists who fight it.

But now H.I.V. is also moving with a sad, slow force to people like Iren,
38, an economist and mother, who says she contracted H.I.V. from her
husband, a drug user who died of AIDS a year ago. Now more people, mostly
women like Iren, are contracting it sexually, not as prostitutes or through
shared needles. More pregnant women are testing positive for H.I.V., and
the disease is being passed more often to newborns.

"There is a shift to the general population," said Andrej Cima, the head of
the United Nations Joint Program on H.I.V./AIDS in Ukraine. "That is clear."

This shift is worrying enough, health officials say, but it comes at a time
of continuing alarm about the overall rate of infection here and the
inability of the cash-strapped government to rein in its spread despite
relatively progressive policies.

Health officials, both in the Ukrainian government and the United Nations,
argue that now -- with the disease starting to bore its way into the
general population -- is the moment to step in with a huge investment to
fight a further spread of the disease.

The idea is to concentrate on the disease's reservoir, intravenous drug
users, as well as young people who often turn to drugs because of few jobs
in a generally bleak economy. Toward that end, the United Nations is
working to raise between $30 million and $50 million for a broad three-year
program against AIDS.

With enough money, said Alla Shcherbinskaya, director of the government's
Center for AIDS Prevention, "I think we will be able to make the epidemic
stall in the next five years."

"Of course," she added, "we will not be able to stop it. But we can stop it
from growing."

Ukraine is generally considered among the most advanced nations in the
region on AIDS issues: President Leonid D. Kuchma is one of the few leaders
to talk publicly about the disease. He has declared 2002 the official year
of fighting AIDS.

But if Ukraine is the best, it may not bode well for the rest of this poor
and isolated region -- a fact summed up by two bodies that lay in the
backyard of a state-run AIDS clinic here one recent day. The two had died
of AIDS, and the only hearse available had broken down.

"This is something which can make a person depressed," said Sergey Fedorov,
an AIDS activist who described the bodies just after seeing them at the
clinic. For one, he said, the government does not now have the money to run
an effective program against AIDS, never mind transport its victims to the

In a country where awareness about AIDS seems quite low, he said that a
scene like the bodies could only add to a sense of fatalism.

"People think that when they get AIDS, the next stage is death," he said.

Mr. Fedorov, a handsome, healthy-looking 28-year-old, is a rarity in a
nation where the stigma against AIDS patients is great. A former
intravenous drug user, he decided two years ago to go public with the fact
that he is also H.I.V. positive.

Not everyone -- his mother included -- applauded his decision. But other
activists and health officials credit his frequent appearances on radio and
television with creating a human face for the disease. Slowly, he said,
awareness is rising. He added that it was likely to rise more now that it
was not only drug users who were contracting H.I.V.

"We are sort of in a beginning stage of people understanding that it is a
threat for everyone," he said. "But it is only a beginning."

There is a slight change of focus here among AIDS groups in Odessa, who
have worked with little government help to create a wide net of services.
Most of the effort has been to educate drug users and prostitutes, two
groups not widely accepted, and by using methods as contentious here as in
the United States.

"The first time I heard that in order to stop the spread of H.I.V. we had
to give out syringes to addicts -- it was a big shock to me," Tatiana E.
Semikop, a major who has worked for Odessa's police force for 17 years.
"How was I, a police officer, supposed to give out syringes?"

Ms. Semikop, who for five years has also headed a large AIDS agency, Faith,
Hope, Love, said she changed her mind when she saw that it worked. While
her group and others continue to focus on drug addicts and prostitutes,
they have begun to branch out -- now that, by her estimate, 60 percent of
new infections are transmitted sexually.
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