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News (Media Awareness Project) - MAP Volunteer Editors Needed!
Title:MAP Volunteer Editors Needed!
Published On:2002-01-25
Source:The Media Awareness Project of DrugSense
Fetched On:2008-01-24 23:09:45

Friends, we are about to start a new training session for volunteer editors
for the clipping service part of the Media Awareness Project. We are
looking for a few dedicated folks to be Editors, the folks who process the
items sent to editor@mapinc.org.

The average volunteer editor puts in about a half hour to an hour a day,
taking time off or reducing workload through an automated system of
workload sharing. Last year we processed some twenty-one thousand items!

Please consider carefully before you volunteer. During the last round of
training half the volunteers decided that the volunteer editing work was
not for them.

On the other hand, all the current editors find the work very rewarding - a
worthwhile contribution to the reform effort. We are a friendly and helpful
group to work with. We have a private email list for editors only where we
share issues, problems, and friendship.

Although it is still a work in process, we have a training guide for
editors up at


Please look it over before you volunteer.

Volunteers will be placed on a small training discussion list called
"howto" in response to your volunteer message.

To volunteer, please just send me a note rlake@mapinc.org

Oh, we have editors who do not do this work under their real name, and even
use a special email address just for this work - that is OK. We understand
that some have good reasons for not wanting the public to know who you are
(just as an editor who was a Captain on actived duty in the military didn't).

Here is the thoughts of a few editors about this volunteer work:

Every _single_ day I contribute to ending the drug war! With my first cup
of coffee steaming next to my keyboard, I download my email and process
several articles for the Media Awareness Project.

There was quite a bit to learn when I first started but it got easier with
each article. My fellow editors made it clear that I could always find help
via our mailing list.

I can easily lower or raise my level of incoming articles. I never feel
pressured to work as hard as I do since we have such a friendly and
supportive team.

Jo-D Harrison,
DrugSense Membership Director

Hate the War On Drugs??? How would you like to get on the inside track to
help do something about it?

The prosecution and persecution that is our current War On Drugs will not
stand up to public scrutiny. Becoming an editor (or other volunteer) with
MAP is one way to get the word out. It takes teamwork and a great group of
volunteers to put together the world's largest database of drug policy
related articles. We share the load and have the support of others on the
team. It takes just a few weeks of training to get started and then you
control your own hours and flow of work. Editing is an important and
rewarding part of the team.

Imagine being able to see the raw news flow in from around the world and
see it put together in a coherent, searchable, reliable, and ever growing
database. Imagine seeing letters in papers from around the world which help
open the eyes of the public to sensible drug policies, and knowing that you
were in large measure responsible! Together we can make a difference. We
already are!


Editing the news for MAP takes about a hour a day, I usually check my mail
before I leave for work and then later in the evening. It's not that hard
and at least I'm doing something to help end the (war on drugs) madness.

I remember a time when people were afraid to write the newspaper. Now
newspapers are flooded with letters when they print stories that contain
lies and propaganda. I like to think that MAP has a part in this.

We're like a big family at MAP, we help one another out when we need it and
you can set your work load to fit your schedule. Believe me, if I can do it
anybody can, the talking stage has passed. Now we must start doing.

MAP Editor

As always, a big THANK YOU to all the current volunteers, editors,
newshawks, letter writers, focus alert specialists, webmasters, listmasters
and all of you who simply use our services to stay informed! You make it

Richard Lake - rlake@mapinc.org - Sr. Editor; DrugNews
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