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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: LTE: Give Our Local Readers Priority in Letters
Title:US TX: LTE: Give Our Local Readers Priority in Letters
Published On:2002-02-10
Source:Amarillo Globe-News (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 21:32:12

Regarding John Kanelis' Feb. 3 column, "Internet expands reach,
responsibilities," I believe he should trade in his calculator for a good
old-fashioned cedar pencil and a Big Chief tablet.

Kanelis stated that "probably 99 percent" of the letters to the editor
published were from people in the local area.

Having my doubts and plenty of time on my hands, I applied the percentage
formula to the letters published in December 2001 and January 2002. I found
that for the two-month period, 86.8 percent were from the local area,
including parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico, 4.6 percent from other points
in Texas; and 7.7 percent were from out of state. Most of the out-of-state
letters were tripe from people promoting homosexuality, drug use and abortion.

This leads me to question the stand of the editorial board on these issues.
The revenue returned to the ownership of the Amarillo Globe-News comes
almost entirely from the local area. I doubt if the online edition
generates a dime for the local economy. I can understand why you would
print a letter or column promoting these perversions if they came from
someone in this area who would represent a cross section of the opinions of
the local population. We have plenty of residents who have very definite
opinions on these subjects.

Hardly anyone in this area is on the fence where these issues are
concerned. We believe strongly in our position, whether pro or con. We need
neither the advice nor the opinion of some joker in California, New York or

I realize that occasionally a person from out of the area will write an
enlightening letter on some subject, and that's good.

What I object to is those jokers who have an ax to grind and try to stir up
support for some of their wacko ideas using our local newspaper for a bully

If these letters and columns were eliminated, you could print more of the
local correspondence which, after all, is what the paid subscribers are
interested in. Maybe those out-of-area people should take a mail subscription.

At least then they would have bought the right to express an opinion.
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