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News (Media Awareness Project) - US WV: Editorial: We All Have To Become Involved
Title:US WV: Editorial: We All Have To Become Involved
Published On:2002-02-17
Source:Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram (WV)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 20:37:40

Our continuing series "Crimes of Violence" has focused in large part on
what appears to be an unsettling increase in violent crime in Clarksburg
and the surrounding areas. Why is this happening? We've found there are no
easy answers.

One person we interviewed last week said violence is no longer just on TV
anymore; it's right down the street. With an increase in drug use and a
mindset among many people that violence is the only way to solve disputes,
trouble is just around the corner. Plus, when you throw in the
deterioration of our neighborhoods and that fact that we tend to keep to
ourselves, you have the right kind of environment for crime.

What can we do?

Actually we may find that we can do more than we thought we could. We can
be more aware of what's going on in our communities. Talk to your
neighbors. Get to know them. You may find you share the same concerns.

If you see crimes, report them. One Harrison County magistrate said more
crimes are being reported now. That in turn leads to more arrests and more
people being put in jail.

When criminals determine that residents of a certain neighborhood are a
little too nosy, they'll move on.

Pay more attention to your kids. Turn off the TV. Let them know violence is
wrong. Drugs are wrong. Life is precious.

Municipal and county governments can also do a lot. They can see that there
are places for kids to assemble where they can have fun and not get into
trouble. They can clean up run-down neighborhoods. Police agencies can
share information with each other.

Even something as simple as letting police officers take their cruisers
home at night can be a deterrent. Just knowing that there is a police
presence in the neighborhood can ruin the plans of a lot of criminals.

Of course, getting involved won't stop all crime, but it can reduce it.
Doing nothing only guarantees it will happen.

James Logue
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