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News (Media Awareness Project) - Philippines: Strong Lobby Behind Useless LTO Drug Test
Title:Philippines: Strong Lobby Behind Useless LTO Drug Test
Published On:2002-02-22
Source:Philippine Star (Philippines)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 20:15:00
Pubdate: Fri, 22 Feb 2002
Source: Philippine Star (Philippines)
Copyright: PhilSTAR Daily Inc. 2002
Contact: info@philstar.com
Website: http://www.philstar.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/622
Author: Boo Chanco
Related: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02/n147/a09.html
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/testing.htm (Drug Testing)


In reaction to previous columns and opinions expressed by some of our
readers, newly installed LTO Chief, Gen. Bobby Lastimoso said he has
explored the possibility of suspending the implementation of the mandatory
drug test for those applying for or renewing their driver's license. But, he
sadly reports, the DOTC top brass is not inclined to approve his
recommendation because the lobby behind the useless drug test is very

In fact, he said, they have been threatened with new anti-graft cases if
they suspended the implementation of the rule. While the rule is based on a
law passed by Congress, the mandatory testing is not specifically stated in
the law. It can be argued that you don't need a new law to junk the
mandatory testing. But the easy money benefiting a few influential
individuals will ensure that the bureaucracy will be too intimidated to
scrap a senseless rule.

Explaining to us his dilemma over breakfast at the Edsa Shangri-La Tuesday
Club, General Lastimoso said that the best he can do for the moment is to
see to it that the testing centers do their job. Almost everyone at the long
table who had experience with the new rule at LTO offices had some complaint
to make.

A former top government auditor complained that he was not issued an
official receipt. The BIR should monitor and collect proper taxes. Dirty
urine containers and dirty comfort rooms were the common complaints, as was
first made public by a daughter of our publisher. One of the club members
whispered to me that a friend of his did not even bother giving his urine
sample but merely paid the P300 fee.

General Lastimoso himself agrees that the rule will not create a dent in our
anti-drug addiction drive. The test itself, the former PNP Director General
pointed out, only screens shabu and marijuana users. Those using more
powerful drugs, including cocaine will not be detected.

The General also admitted that the test has only come out with less than 300
positive results out of 10,000 tests in one LTO district. It is almost
certain that of the positive results, a large number are false positives. In
other words, it is a waste of money, like using a sledgehammer to kill a

The General also wondered if the rule is anti-poor. He admitted that P300
for the test may be nothing for senior bureaucrats like himself but that's a
day' s work for a professional driver on minimum wage. That's why they can't
raise the license fee, to begin with. Ate Glo and her band of pro-poor civil
society braggarts should take note.

The new LTO Chief agreed with the unanimous suggestion of the club members
that the test should be made mandatory only for those arrested for traffic
law violations. But we can only dream on.

He didn't say it in these words but we read between the lines that DOTC
Secretary Pantaleon Alvarez is too scared to create powerful enemies from a
vested interest group by suspending the rule. The DOTC Chief has enough
enemies as it is. So, I guess, this is something for Malacanang to look
into. In the meantime, let's just hope Bobby Lastimoso is able to assure
that this legalized racket does not look and smell too much like one.
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