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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NM: LTE: The '2 D's' Are Dragging Down Public Schools
Title:US NM: LTE: The '2 D's' Are Dragging Down Public Schools
Published On:2002-02-24
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 19:54:28

It is imperative that parents be enlightened about what their daughters and
sons face everyday in their respective schools. It is vital that the next
superintendent be qualified and prepared to curb the current erosion of
quality education which now exists in our schools.

Education was once defined by the "3 R's - reading, 'riting, and
'rithmetic." As a nine-year employee of APS, I can tell you that education
today can be summed up by the "2 D's - drugs and discipline." Or better
stated, too many drugs, too little discipline. ...

The number of drug violations on APS property went from 380 in 1999-00, to
551 in 2000-01. Keeping in mind that those students who actually got caught
"in possession or under the influence" represents a very small percentage
of the actual number, that is a frightening statistic.

Crimes involving loss of property are often associated with drug usage.
Students frequently take another's possessions in an attempt to generate
some quick cash in order to purchase the drugs or alcohol. ... The number
of these reported violations went from 508 in 1999-00 to 625 in 2000-01.

Now for the discipline, or the lack thereof. Parents, ... did you know
that, since principals were told that the dropout rate needed to come down
and they were not to suspend students, the level of disruptive and
disrespectful behavior has increased? ...

Most administrators spend the majority of their time dealing with
discipline issues, mostly involving the same students day in and day out.
... The result: There is precious little time left for innovative thinking
and dynamic leadership.

Until we abandon the current philosophy that "no child be left behind," the
net result in our schools will be that the dedicated and respectful
students who are actually attempting to get an education will suffer more
and more.

In the meantime disruptive, undisciplined students will continue to
contaminate the halls and classrooms that are handed to them by the
"leaders" who do not frequent the classroom and who are only concerned
about bonuses, image and the avoidance of potential law suits. ...

Meanwhile, another teacher takes early retirement, an aspiring
student-teacher becomes intimidated or frustrated and goes into another
career field and the vast majority of "real" students are pushed further
into the background.

I desperately hope that the next superintendent will encourage and support
the efforts of administrators and staff to reclaim their halls and
classrooms and return them to the students who now quietly go about the
daily struggle to learn in the midst of ever increasing chaos.

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