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News (Media Awareness Project) - US FL: PUB LTE: Fight The Right War
Title:US FL: PUB LTE: Fight The Right War
Published On:2002-02-26
Source:News-Press (FL)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 19:44:00

To the editor:

First we had the taxpayer-funded Super Bowl commercials, telling us that
anyone who uses drugs is supporting terrorists. Outlining his new drug
control policy at the White House, President Bush once again linked drug
use to the support of terrorism. He wants to spend $19.2 billion, a 2
percent increase in spending, to fight the "drug war."

It's not a curiosity that the terrorists who attacked our country on Sept.
11 came from the Middle East, where oil is the commodity they deal in. If
the president was serious about winning the "war on terrorism," he would
insist on American auto manufacturers developing hydrogen fuel-cell cars
and hybrid cars, thus reducing our dependency on oil altogether. The
technology is already available. It was the oil-rich countries' citizens
who attacked us, not the drug-producing countries of South and Central America.

This just emphasizes how in bed the Bush administration is with the oil
companies. To try to blame drug users, who are predominantly the young,
poor and minorities, for the Sept. 11 attacks rather than his own
complicity by supporting a failed energy policy with the likes of Enron, is
a sham. The American people aren't buying what you're selling, Mr. Bush.

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