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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: End Of 'Just Say No' Drugs War
Title:UK: End Of 'Just Say No' Drugs War
Published On:2002-03-03
Source:Scotland On Sunday (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 19:08:27

Jack McConnell is dramatically to abandon the Scottish Executive's 'Just
Say No' stance on drug abuse after admitting it has failed to halt the
rising tide of addiction.

In a major policy U-turn, the First Minister will give the go-ahead to a
strategy geared instead towards helping young people make 'informed
decisions' about drug taking.

The controversial step, condemned by some anti-drug campaigners, will be
unveiled later this month with the launch of the Executive's drugs
communication strategy. McConnell will underline his commitment to making
quality drugs information and advice available throughout the country.

The surprise move represents the first public acknowledgement that the
hard-hitting 'Just Say No' and 'war on drugs' rhetoric pursued by
consecutive governments of differing political hues has done nothing to
reduce the number of illicit drug users in Scotland.

The policy reversal comes amid growing alarm in Labour ranks at the
spiralling number of drug users and drug deaths. The latest research
suggests there are as many as 55,000 people in Scotland misusing illegal
drugs such as heroin and methadone - almost twice as many as previously
estimated - while drugs claim the lives of more than 290 each year.

A survey last month also added to McConnell's embarrassment after it
revealed that at least 40% of schoolchildren between the ages of 12 and 15
had been offered drugs.

It is understood the new strategy, although nationwide, will focus on
'grassroots', giving local communities access to 'consistent and
comprehensive' drugs information through a leaflet and advertising campaign.

Scotland on Sunday has learned the new approach had been prompted by
research which shows that despite the millions pumped into reducing drug
use there is still ignorance about the issue.

It is expected the study will indicate that although 98% of Scots see drugs
as a "very serious" or "serious" problem, few are aware of the variety and
risks of the drugs that are circulating.

It will also highlight the urgent need to reassess the "earlier messages"
put out by government towards a less authoritarian campaign to reduce drug use.

An Executive source said: "It is pretty clear that the 'Just say no' types
of messages have not had any effect. They are not leading young people to
try to find out more information about drugs, which is the best way of
preventing them from taking drugs and to ensure they are informed about the

However, news of the radical shift has infuriated anti-drug groups and
parents of addicts, who have accused the Executive of condoning drug use.

Maxie Richards, who runs a drug rehabilitation charity, accused the
Executive of being "pro-drugs".

She said: "This amounts to saying to young people that taking drugs is an
acceptable way of living. It's a misinformed message and it's the wrong
message. It encourages people to think they can take drugs, and it will
cause havoc in our society. It's pro-drugs. This is telling people there is
such a thing as safe drug use. Things can only get worse through this
course of action."

Gaille McCann, co-founder of the group Mothers Against Drugs, warned that
the strategy could encourage drug-taking.

"The Executive needs to be very careful with its message. They are in
danger of promoting drug use, which opens up more avenues for people to
experiment with drugs."

"It's all very well the Executive saying they want to put out leaflets, but
young people aren't interested in reading them. The ones who really need
the help are not at school to pick up the leaflets and don't access health
services. The Executive should be training young people to give that
information to other young people on the street. No leaflet is going to
address the problem."

The Tory Home Affairs spokesman Lord James Douglas-Hamilton said: "Young
people who are very impressionable need to be protected against dangerous
substances. Any weakening of the stance on drugs is unacceptable."

But the agencies on the Executive communications committee defended the
moves. David Liddell, director of the Scottish Drugs Forum, said: "The new
approach will get rid of the 'drugs war' rhetoric which tends to polarise
the debate. We are very encouraged by what is being proposed. We have
always taken the view that the notion of a drugs war is not the right way
to tackle the problem.

"Drugs are a problem that has continued to grow and are something we are
going to have to learn to live with. The notion of trying to rid society of
all drugs is clearly ridiculous," Liddell said.
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