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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Death By Heroin
Title:UK: Death By Heroin
Published On:2002-03-04
Source:Times, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 18:59:24

News Of The World: Nothing could have brought home the stark truth about
drugs more powerfully than the terrible pictures of Rachel Whitear.
Rachel's remarkable parents agreed to the use of harrowing photos of their
daughter's death by heroin for an anti-drugs schools video. While nothing
will ever bring their beloved daughter back, every parent in the land is in
their debt.

The Mail On Sunday: Rachel Whitear probably died in vain. The gruesome
photographs of her corpse will have no impact on those who have already
chosen to stupefy themselves with heroin. What is far worse is that our new
establishment will take no notice. They will continue to relax the law on

Independent On Sunday: People are not changed by what they see. We are
bombarded by so many images all the time that reactions and feelings are
reduced, and we turn numb -- Victor Adebowale, drugs charity director

The Observer: Editors should understand that such stark images may have
less to say about public duty than about private despair -- Mary Riddell

Sunday People: The evil of drugs is now so endemic in Britain that even the
police have given up trying to combat it. So if our children are to be
protected the war must be waged in a different way. All parents must insist
that their children look at the full horror of our poster featuring Rachel
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