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News (Media Awareness Project) - US KY: LTE: Drug Testing Letter Draws A Response
Title:US KY: LTE: Drug Testing Letter Draws A Response
Published On:2002-03-03
Source:Daily Independent, The (KY)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 18:55:45

In response to Myron Von Hollingsworth's letter, (Drug testing should be up
to parents), I must ask the following questions:

* When was the last time and how many times have you tested your child or
children for illegal drugs? How much did it cost?

* If anyone objects to illegal drug testing, they can always send their
child to a private school. Who do you think would be more stringent in
their requirements that their students submit to random drug testing if it
is suspected that illegal drug use is prevalent among the students?

* The letter refers to the "drug problem" as a "prohibition problem." Last
time I checked, drug selling, possession and use is illegal. It is already
prohibited, so how is "prohibition" the problem?

* The letter states the "drug war promotes, justifies and perpetuates
racist enforcement policies." Illegal drugs are simply illegal regardless
of the color or nationality of the person who is abusing them.

* Finally, the letter said "racist enforcement policies diminish many
freedoms and liberties that are supposed to be inalienable according to the

Show me in the Constitution where it guarantees any American the right to
proceed through life, stoned out of your mind, without being subject to
common law, criminal law, as well as constitutional law, as it relates to
your fellow citizens' rights to be protected from illegal acts perpetrated
against them by those willing to live their lives in an unlawful fashion.

Tim Hodges

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