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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Cannabis Is Now Just A Signature Away From Legitimacy.
Title:UK: Cannabis Is Now Just A Signature Away From Legitimacy.
Published On:2002-03-10
Source:Independent on Sunday (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 18:14:35

Relax Law, Say Government Advisers; Reform Would Be First For 30 Years; Lib
Dems Vote For Legalisation

David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, will be told this week by his official
panel of drug advisers to downgrade cannabis from a Class B to a Class C
drug. The change, which would enable users to smoke a joint in the street
without fear of arrest, would be the first relaxation of drug laws in
Britain for 30 years.

Yesterday, in a separate initiative, the Liberal Democrats became the first
major political party to vote for the full legalisation of cannabis. They
also voted for an end to prison sentences for those caught in possession of
other drugs, including cocaine, ecstasy and heroin, and called for ecstasy
to be downgraded from a Class A to a Class B drug.

The vote came as the Home Office considers recommendations from the
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) that cannabis should be
given the same status as prescription tranquillizers such as valium, making
its possession a non-arrestable offence.

A source close to Mr Blunkett said last night the Home Secretary was now
"minded" to downgrade the drug. The advisory committee is considered the
authoritative voice on drugs classification and it would be unusual for the
Home Secretary to ignore its advice. The committee's findings will increase
pressure on Mr Blunkett to make a formal announcement of the reform the
laws on cannabis. A senior government source told The Independent on
Sunday: "He [the Home Secretary] said he was minded to do it [reclassify
cannabis]. He will make a final decision when all of the information is in
front of him."

As well as the committee's research, there are at least four other studies
being carried out into the policing of cannabis which are expected to be
presented to the Government over the next two months.

Next Wednesday, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation will reveal that up to
UKP50m a year is spent on policing cannabis and the time this involves is
equivalent to the work of 500 police officers a year. The Metropolitan
Police and the Police Foundation are also compiling separate reports into a
pilot scheme by police in Lambeth, south London.

Originally planned to last six months, senior officers have found the
scheme in Brixton, where cannabis users are not arrested but given
on-the-spot warnings, to be successful enough to warrant extending for the
time being.

An inquiry into drugs, including cannabis, is also being carried out by
members of the Home Affairs select committee who are expected to report to
the Government this April.

The debate over downgrading cannabis gained momentum last October when Mr
Blunkett announced that he had decided in favour of changing the law. He
proposed to end the power of police to arrest people caught with the drug
for their own use. This was partly so that officers could concentrate on
hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. His decision to change the drug laws
was announced to the Home Affairs Select Committee.

At the time, the Home Secretary emphasised that he was not decriminalising
or legalising cannabis. "Cannabis would remain a controlled drug and using
it a criminal offence," he said. "In spite of our focus on hard drugs, the
majority of police time is currently spent on handling cannabis offences.
It is time for an honest and common-sense approach focusing on drugs that
cause most harm."

The Home Secretary commissioned the ACMD to report on the medical and
social impact of cannabis. Their report was completed several weeks ago but
has been held on to by the Home Office.

Drugs charities and experts say they welcome the committee's report.

Roger Howard, chief executive of DrugScope, said he wanted the Government
to promise that there would be no fines or cautions for personal possession
of the drug.

"If this report is true, then DrugScope warmly welcomes it," he added.
"It's refreshing to see a Home Secretary at last moving towards a sensible,
logical and evidence-based drugs policy."

Viscountess Runciman, a former member of the committee and campaigner for
reform, said this was a "very significant development".

"This is not to say cannabis is a harmless drug," she added. "It does
remain a controlled drug. There is still a lot of incoherence in our laws.
This will bring the law in line with Brixton."
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