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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: New Govt To Stage Drug Summit
Title:Australia: New Govt To Stage Drug Summit
Published On:2002-03-12
Source:Age, The (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 18:00:51


Illicit drug use and the danger drugs pose to children are to be tackled in
a major summit announced today by the new South Australian government.

Premier Mike Rann said he was particularly concerned at the rising use of
amphetamines by young people and the links between drugs and bikie gangs.

"Amphetamines is going to be a special focus of the drug summit but it's
going to be much more comprehensive than that," Mr Rann told ABC radio,
when announcing plans for the summit scheduled for June.

"So what we want to do is to bring in not only health experts but also law
enforcement officers and experts from the universities.

"But, just as importantly, drug users themselves and their families.

Mr Rann said he hoped the summit would raise awareness of the massive
danger drugs posed to children and how to better target educational messages.

He said Labor, however, had already ruled out the introduction of safe
injecting rooms for heroin addicts in line with recommendations from a
parliamentary select committee.
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