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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Cannabis Cleared - With A Warning
Title:UK: Cannabis Cleared - With A Warning
Published On:2002-03-15
Source:Guardian, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 17:41:55

Experts Pave Way For Relaxation In Law Though Drug Can Be Harmful

Government medical experts yesterday provided the hard scientific evidence
that will finally clear the way for a relaxation of Britain's cannabis
laws. The official report from the advisory council on the misuse of drugs
(ACMD), commissioned by the home secretary David Blunkett last October,
comes out firmly in favour of downgrading cannabis from class B to class C
legal status but warns that it is not a harmless drug. It also says that
reducing the penalties for cannabis possession is unlikely to lead to a
significant increase in its use.

The report concludes that one of the main long-term health risks from
cannabis comes from smoking it; in fact, it may be more dangerous than
smoking cigarettes because it has a higher concentration of carcinogens.
But the council does seem to suggest that using cannabis might actually be
as good as going to the gym as it produces an increased heart rate: "The
cardiovascular actions of cannabis are similar to the effects of exercise,
and probably do not constitute a significant risk in health to adolescents
and young adults."

The main findings of the report are: High use of cannabis is not
associated with major health problems for individuals or society.

Occasional use of cannabis is only rarely associated with significant
problems in otherwise healthy individuals, with the main worry being
impaired control of your movements. It can also disrupt the control of
blood pressure and increase the risk of fainting.

However, occasional use can pose significant dangers for those with heart
and circulation disorders and for those with schizophrenia.

Regular heavy use of cannabis can result in dependence but its addictive
potential is far less than amphetamines, tobacco or alcohol.

Cannabis impairs mental functions such as attention, memory and performance
and so can be dangerous for drivers and those who operate heavy machinery
but, unlike alcohol, it does not increase risk-taking behaviour.

The birth weight of children whose pregnant mothers smoked joints might be
lower than expected due to carbon monoxide in the smoke. They also run a
small risk of minor birth defects.

Cannabis is less harmful than other class B substances including
amphetamines, barbiturates or codeine-like compounds.

The publication of the latest scientific assessment from the official
medical experts clears the way for Mr Blunkett to announce his decision,
probably after Easter. He wants to hear the outcome of an independent
evaluation by the Police Foundation of the Lambeth "lighter touch"
experiment and the Commons home affairs select committee inquiry into the
drug laws.

The reclassification of cannabis from class B to class C would rank its
legal status alongside anabolic steroids and growth hormones and would mean
that the police would no longer be able to arrest those caught in
possession of small amounts. It would however remain a criminal offence
carrying a maximum of two years imprisonment.

Michael Rawlinson, the ACMD chairman said: "In recommending that cannabis
should be reclassified, the council is not saying that it is harmless.
Cannabis is associated with some risks to health, but the council concludes
that these are less than the risks posed by other Class B drugs such as

In fact, the medical experts go further and say that it is not only wrong
but also dangerous to continue to class cannabis alongside the other more
harmful class B drugs because it suggests that they are all equally harmful.

The medical experts also say that it is not possible with any certainty to
resolve the long-running controversy over whether cannabis is a "gateway
drug" to heroin or crack cocaine but concludes that "the risks, if any, are
small and less than associated with the use of tobacco or alcohol".

Although cannabis may worsen some existing mental health problems, the
medical experts say there is no evidence that it causes brain damage but
that the jury is still out on whether chronic use can lead to mental
illness. It also says the evidence is unclear for the claim that chronic
cannabis use reduces the male sperm count.

The Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith, attacked the proposal to
downgrade cannabis as "ill-thought out" but the Liberal Democrats' Simon
Hughes welcomed the report as a highly influential addition to the debate.
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