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News (Media Awareness Project) - Ireland: Call To Get GPs Behind Anti-Drugs Strategy
Title:Ireland: Call To Get GPs Behind Anti-Drugs Strategy
Published On:2002-03-16
Source:Irish Examiner (Ireland)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 17:36:24

The Health Minister must engage GPs to help addicts beat their drug habit,
Fine Gael urged yesterday.

Health spokesman Gay Mitchell said the minister should work with the Irish
Medical Organization to ensure more GPs took on drug addicts to help them
remain stabilized.

He explained: "A protocol now applies to GPs who take on drug addicts as
patients, who can then register with a pharmacy and receive methadone if
they remain clean."

But he said he was now aware of drug addicts who wanted to give up the
habit and return to work, but could not get a GP and pharmacist to take
them on.

This failure seemed to be driven by fear on the part of doctors and the
minister must campaign and educate against this fear.

Mr Mitchell added: "I know of at least one addict who is trying to get on
to a treatment course, but who admits to buying heroin daily to feed his
habit while he waits for treatment."
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