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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: LTE: Drug Tolerance Is A Sign Of Defeat
Title:UK: LTE: Drug Tolerance Is A Sign Of Defeat
Published On:2002-03-18
Source:Times, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 17:20:10

Sir. As the father of a son recently caught experimenting with cannabis, I
can accept cannabis as being relatively harmless, except for mood swings,
the destruction of a promising education, the need for lying and deceit and
a set of light fingers to feed the addiction. The Government admits the
problem of drugs is out of control, even suggesting clubs should
selfregulate (letters, March 11 and 13).

Decriminalisation of drugs is only an admission of defeat masquerading
under the banner of tolerance.

The fashionable Liberal Democrats court popularity, new Labour seeks to
manipulate the crime figures; but who will accept the responsibility for a
surge in drug addiction? I beg all to consider the effects of greater

A cancer such as this should be treated ruthlessly at source, before it
spreads, corrupting our society further. I ask for no further
decriminalisation of drugs or the advertisement of such, which sends
confusing signals to a young, impressionable generation already under
considerable pressures from a society falling over itself to be tolerant.

Yours faithfully,


Restland House, Belstone, Okehampton, Devon EX20 1RD.
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