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News (Media Awareness Project) - Philippines: Like Drivers, Gov't Execs Must First Pass Drug
Title:Philippines: Like Drivers, Gov't Execs Must First Pass Drug
Published On:2002-03-19
Source:Philippine Star (Philippines)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 17:07:43

On the drug test required of applicants for new or renewed licenses,
Lastimoso said this is required by law and nobody is exempted. The LTO
chief said that he himself would have to take the drug test when it is time
for him to renew his license. Thousands of applicants who have been found
positive in the drug tests have been denied licenses.

Drug Tests For Officials: Mostly out of pique, many drivers are saying that
if they are required to pass a drug test, there is more reason to require
the same test of individuals presuming to run for public office.

They point out that since the responsibilities of government officials are
much heavier than those of drivers, candidates for public office must be
similarly examined before being allowed to run.

But, none of the 50 states in the US has a drug test requirement for
license applicants. Many of the states have vision and skill tests in
addition to the basic requirements common US-wide.

In this country, the required medical examination includes a vision test,
but it's useless because the results are not considered in evaluating the
license application and in imposing restrictions (such as the mandatory
wearing of glasses when driving).

Requiring drug tests for candidates for public office is a long shot. Such
a rule can be adopted only if approved by those running the government.
Now, why would officials impose such a rule on themselves?

A drug test is not among the qualifications listed in the Constitution for
persons running for public office. But if the public mind were bent on
imposing such a requirement, a way would be found to do it.
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