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News (Media Awareness Project) - Colombia: Narco-Candidate In Colombia
Title:Colombia: Narco-Candidate In Colombia
Published On:2002-03-19
Source:Narco News (Latin America Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 15:09:28

Uribe's Rise From Medellin: Precursor To A Narco-State

His Campaign Manager, the DEA, and the Case of the 50,000

A Narco News Investigative Report

In 1997 and 1998, alert U.S. Customs agents in California seized three
suspicious Colombia-bound ships that, the agents discovered, were
laden with 50,000 kilos of potassium permanganate, a key "precursor
chemical" necessary for the manufacture of cocaine.

According to a document signed by then-DEA chief Donnie R. Marshall on
August 3, 2001, the ships were each destined for Medellin, Colombia,
to a company called GMP Productos Quimicos, S. A. (GMP Chemical Products).

The 50,000 kilos of the precursor chemical destined for GMP were
enough to make half-a-million kilos of cocaine hydrochloride, with a
street value of $15 billion U.S. dollars.

The owner of GMP Chemical Products, according to the 2001 DEA chief's
report, is Pedro Juan Moreno Villa, the campaign manager, former chief
of staff, and longtime right-hand-man for front-running Colombian
presidential candidate Alvaro Uribe Velez.

Mr. Moreno was Uribe's political alter-ego before, during and after
those nervous 1997 and 1998 months when he awaited those contraband

When Uribe was governor of the state of Antioquia from 1995 to 1997 -
from its capitol of Medellin - Moreno was chief of staff in Governor
Uribe's office. During those years, according to then-DEA chief
Marshall, ""Between 1994 and 1998, GMP was the largest importer of
potassium permanganate into Colombia."

This is the story of the Narco-Candidate, Alvaro Uribe, whose 1982
election as mayor of Medellin, whose 1995 election as governor of
Antioquia and whose pending ascendance this year to the presidency of
Colombia each mark new chapters in the evolution of the modern Narco-

Three ships set sail for Medellin, and in their wake, the

On The Waterfront in Oakland and Long Beach

On November 17, 1997, a Chinese ship carrying 20,000 kilos of
potassium permanganate - the aforementioned cocaine precursor chemical
- - destined for Moreno's GMP company in Colombia, pulled into the docks
at Long Beach, California.

A month later, on December 16, 1997, another Chinese ship, docked in
Oakland, also destined for the Uribe campaign manager's company in
Medellin, carried another 20,000 kilos of the cocaine precursor chemical.

And, like clockwork, one month after that, on January 17, 1998, a
third ship stopped in Long Beach on its way to Moreno's GMP, this one
carrying 10,000 kilos of the controlled substance.

"The United States Customs Service (USCS) seized each of these
shipments as they transited the ports in California," noted DEA chief
Marshall. "No advance notice was filed with DEA that these shipments
would be sent from Hong Kong, through the United States, to Colombia."

According to a U.S. law titled 21 U.S.C. 971(a), "each regulated
person who imports or exports a listed chemical to or from the United
States is required to file advance notification of the importation or
exportation not later than 15 days before the transaction is to take

The matter of cocaine precursor chemicals, and potassium permanganate
in particular, is no small matter to law enforcers.

As Colombia's current president, Andres Pastrana, noted in a press
release on October 25, 1999: "Without the coca plant, there is no
cocaine, but without acetone, ether and permanganate, it is impossible
to have drugs. A good part of these precursors come from Europe and
are dumped into our rivers and our land, which produces part of the
world's oxygen."

Oxygen, like that which Pastrana gave Uribe and Moreno this week, when
the president's Conservative party - destroyed in the recent Colombian
congressional elections, precisely because of Pastrana's support for
the US military adventure known as Plan Colombia - folded its tent,
abandoned its own presidential candidate, and threw its support to the
Narco-Candidate Uribe.

Quietest Seizure In DEA History

Just as the coca plant does not grow in the North American mainland,
permanganate is not produced in South America. Cocaine as we know it
would not be possible without this U.S., European and Chinese export

For the cocaine processing labs in the Amazon jungle, permanganate is
harder to obtain, and thus more vital than even to coca leaf for the
production of cocaine.

Normally, when U.S. officials seize a massive quantity of a controlled
substance, the press and TV cameras are called and grand proclamations
are made about the "record seizures" and "victory" in the war on drugs.

But the political problems caused by these seizures in California
caused the usually boastful U.S. authorities to refrain from their
usual media blitz.

Contrast that with the government press releases customarily aimed at
U.S. companies that fail -- as the Uribe campaign manager's company
did in '97 and '98 -- to notify the DEA of shipments of permanganate.
United States companies caught violating the same laws have paid a
steep legal price.

The Connecticut-based chemical firm MacDermid Inc., according to the
January 14, 2000 edition of the Hartford Courant, paid $50,000 dollars
to the federal government "to settle a claim involving the export of a
chemical that can be used to synthesize cocaine, the U.S. attorney's
office said Thursday."

The $50,000 fine was paid, according to the Courant, because "the
company failed to notify the government in advance that it was going
to export more than 500 kilograms per month of potassium

"MacDermid sold the chemical to legitimate buyers," reported the daily
Courant. "The government says its only lapse was a failure to make a
necessary notification of its export sales."

In other words, for failing to alert the DEA that it would make
shipments of 500 kilos of the cocaine precursor chemical - one percent
of the 50,000 kilos destined for Moreno's company in Colombia - the
Connecticut company had to pay $50,000. (That fine, if applied equally
to Moreno's 50,000 kilos, would have added up to $5 million U.S. dollars.)

Moreno's company, by contrast, was not fined a single devalued
Colombian peso by the United States government for those 50,000
unreported kilos of the cocaine precursor.

Still, U.S. authorities, tangled in the crisis caused by the seizures
of contraband belonging to a political ally of Washington, after three
years of tossing this hot potato around, determined not to release the

The Customs Service, the DEA and other U.S. law enforcement agencies
were caught in a public relations disaster. Their agents did their
job. And the bureaucrats in Washington spent more than three years
trying to cover it up.

To apply the law equally to Moreno's GMP Chemical Products company -
as the Justice Department did with the Connecticut firm's legal lapse
- - would have unleashed a chain of events very embarrassing to Moreno
and, consequently, to the 1995-97 governor of the Colombian state of
Antioquia: Alvaro Uribe Velez, a longtime U.S. point-man in Colombia.

But to apply the law equally would have caused headlines that
interfered with Washington's electoral plans for Colombia, which have
been executed to weaken all other potential candidates (those that are
still alive or not in captivity) and install Uribe as the next
Colombian president in the May 26th elections.

Uribe is their man.

Precursor To A Narco-State

DEA chief Donnie Marshall wrote, in a legal decision, about the
seizure of the contraband headed toward Uribe's campaign manager, and
his company, GMP:

"The Order to Suspend Shipment stated that DEA believed that the
listed chemical may be diverted based on the failure to notify DEA of
the transshipment in violation of 21 CFR 1313.31; associations between
GMP and other violating chemical companies in Colombia; and other
diversionary practices of GMP."

But Marshall, Bill Clinton's DEA chief, had a big headache. The eagle-
eyed Customs officers in Long Beach and Oakland perhaps were not aware
yet that they had stepped on the wrong narco-toes: three ships whose
voyage was not meant to be interrupted.

Donnie Marshall, the DEA boss, explained why:

"GMP is a company founded in 1938 that distributes chemical products,
with four locations throughout Colombia, South America. Its president,
Pedro Juan Moreno Villa (Mr. Moreno), has served on the board of
directors of other companies in Colombia. In addition, from 1995
through 1997, Mr. Moreno served as the Secretary of the Government of

That state government, it bears repeating, belonged to Governor Alvaro
Uribe, the current presidential heir apparent in Colombia, whose path
to Colombia's highest office began in the City of Medellin, in 1982,
when its unofficial mayor, Pablo Escobar, the most notorious drug
trafficker in human history, was the undisputed King of the City:
Nothing happened in Medellin, in 1982, without Escobar's permission.
One of the things that did happen, was that Alvaro Uribe became its
official mayor, and from there toiled in the laboratory of the then-
nascent Narco-State.

"An extensive security investigation of Mr. Moreno was conducted for
this position" in Uribe's administration, wrote the DEA chief. "During
his tenure, Mr. Moreno supported the Govenor's goal to fight narcotics
traffic. According to Mr. Moreno, his life was endangered because of
his duties against drug traffickers and guerillas, resulting in his
taking extensive security precautions."

The security precautions taken by Governor Uribe's chief secretary
Moreno, though, were apparently not sufficient to keep three of his
unreported shipments from being seized on the California coast.

Honest Customs and DEA agents saw their own life-endangering actions
subverted and sabotaged by the suits in Washington. The permanganate
traffickers - not content to be on the road to the Colombian
presidency, but wanting to collect their tips, too - fought from early
1998 until mid-2001, in a case before DEA administrative law judge
Gail Randall, to avoid legal penalties and to get their 50,000 kilos

"No advance notice of these shipments was provided to DEA by GMP or
any other party," wrote DEA chief Marshall. "However, there is a
dispute over whether such advance notice was required for these shipments."

It was that greed on the part of the cocaine precursor traffickers
that now has led to this trail of paper, and that forced Donnie
Marshall to make these words a part of the public record.

Perhaps because he was at the end of his term, or perhaps because his
own troops - the DEA agents - were already furious with the
bureaucratic cover-ups regarding these seizures, or, perhaps because
Donnie Marshall wanted to do something right before his legacy at DEA
came to an end, Marshall rejected the non-binding recommendation of
the administrative law judge, and ordered the 50,000 kilos permanently

Marshall, the administrator, ruled:

"The Administrator finds that based upon the evidence in the record,
Colombia produces between 70-80% of the world's cocaine hydrochloride.
Potassium permanganate and hydrochloric acid are List II chemicals
that may be used for a variety of legitimate purposes, but are also
used in the illicit manufacture of cocaine. Potassium permanganate is
not produced in South America and therefore must be imported...

"Between 1994 and 1998, GMP was the largest importer of potassium
permanganate into Colombia. Since approximately 1994, GMP conducted
business with Eland, a Hong Kong company. From 1996 through 1998,
Eland's sale of potassium permanganate to GMP had become consistent,
with Eland selling GMP in excess of 200 metric tons during that time."

Kind reader, click your calculator. One kilo of potassium permanganate
makes 10 kilos of cocaine. GMP's excess of 200 metric tons was
sufficient to make 2,000 metric tons of cocaine hydrochloride.

A key fact, though, upon which the Narco-State is built, should be
kept in mind: There are other, legal, uses for potassium permanganate,
such as to manufacture printed circuit boards and other hi-tech
playthings that are not exactly staples of the Colombian economy. This
is one of the key loopholes through which the $500 billion dollar-a-
year illicit drug industry glides.

Likewise, there are other uses for the humble coca leaf, too. But the
U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia calls legal coca farmers "terrorists." In
Colombia and Ecuador, U.S. helicopters and airplanes spray toxic
herbicides over those farmers. Given the central importance of
potassium permanganate to cocaine manufacturing, Andean peasants would
be as justified in sending those choppers and airplanes to Oakland and
Long Beach harbors to blow up the ships. The double standards, and
selective enforcement, by U.S. officials have eternally doomed the
"war on drugs."

Uncontrolled Substances

Still, DEA chief Donnie Marshall, in one of his final official acts,
was clearly troubled by the reports from some honest Colombian law
enforcement agents who found that Moreno's GMP company leaked
permanganate like a sieve, systematically violating the very
safeguards that are meant to keep the precursors from the hands of

DEA chief Marshall reported:

"The Direccion Nacional de Estupefacientes (DNE) is the Colombia
government agency that issues, revokes, and renews chemical permits
for individuals or companies that handle controlled chemicals. The DNE
also establishes the total quota of controlled chemicals to be
imported per month by permit holders. A company may not import more
than its quota in any given calendar month without the permission of
the DNE.

"In general, a DNE permit is required if an individual or company
wants to handle in excess of five kilograms or five liters of a
controlled chemical per calendar month. Therefore, no permit is
required if a person wishes to purchase less than five kilograms or
five liters in a calendar month."

Regarding the shenanigans at Moreno's GMP to get around this rule,
Marshall wrote:

"The Colombian National Police (CNP) is the enforcement entity of the
DNE, and is authorized by the DNE to conduct investigations that could
result in criminal or administrative penalties...

"On June 10, 1997, the CNP inspected one of GMP's facilities finding
that on nine occasions between June 3, 1997 and June 6, 1997, GMP had
failed to enter required information into its control logs concerning
the sale of 2,450 kilograms of potassium permanganate...

(Again, kind reader, the math: that's enough precursor to make 24,000
kilos of cocaine, worth about $24 million dollars in the jungle, and
$700 million dollars by the time the drug enters Los Angeles.)

DEA Chief Marshall continued:

"On December 15, 1997, the CNP inspected GMP and found record keeping
discrepancies. GMP kept its control log tracking its sales and
purchases of controlled chemicals on a computer. GMP was not
authorized to maintain its records in this manner. GMP's general
manager at that time testified that he was confused by this allegation
by the CNP since GMP had been keeping computerized records since
1991... the CNP investigated the addresses and telephone numbers
listed on GMP's seized invoices. This investigation revealed
discrepancies including addresses that did not exist, telephone
numbers that did not match the addresses listed on the invoices, and
telephone numbers that did not exist.

"In addition, the CNP noted invoices issued on the same date to
different named individuals listing the same address and telephone
number. The invoices each reflected sales of 4.6 kilograms of
potassium permanganate, below the threshold amount. The CNP discovered
that the individuals listed on the invoices had not actually purchased
the potassium permanganate, but their personal identification cards
had been used by their employer to obtain the chemical.

"By letter dated January 22, 1998, CNP officials concluded that GMP,
'may be guilty of selling controlled chemical substances, for which
purpose it is using fictitious addresses, names of actual persons and
is making sales of controlled chemicals in amounts greater than those
stipulated by the Office of the National Director of Narcotics without
receiving a license from the D.N.E.'

"Evidence was represented at the hearing that GMP representatives also
investigated the questioned invoices to determine the identity and
location of the purchasers listed on the invoices. While GMP
representatives were able to locate some of the individuals and
companies named on the invoices, many remained unknown. Many contained
fictions addresses, and in some instances, no addresses were provided
on the invoices..."

Uribe's campaign manager, Pedro Juan Moreno Villa, also spoke during
the DEA administrative law hearings. According to DEA chief Marshall,
"Mr. Moreno testified that he was unaware of any GMP controlled
chemicals being diverted to the manufacture of cocaine or any other
illicit drug."

To shed some perspective on the value of potassium permanganate, even
before it is converted into cocaine, the South China News - covering
the story from their end of the pipeline, where the permanganate is
manufactured - noted on October 23, 1999 that the chemical fetched $75
per kilo in late 1997 (when the first and second of Moreno's GMP-bound
shipments were seized) and that the price then skyrocketed to $280 US
dollars per kilo by 1999.

Thus, the 50,000 seized kilos of Mr. Moreno's precursor substance were
worth $3.7 million dollars when seized, but within two years grew to a
black market value of $14 million dollars, before they might have even
touched a single coca leaf.

The Hormiga Strategy Controls Cocaine Market

A common expression in Spanish refers to "trabajo de hormigas," or
"ant's work," and it applies to the manner used by Moreno's company to
move large amounts of the cocaine precursor drug through small sales
of volumes just under the five kilo threshold for which buyers must
have a license.

As stated by the DEA: Much of GMP's permanganate went out the door in
small volumes of only 4.6 kilos - enough to make 46 kilos of cocaine,
valued at $30,000 a kilo in Miami, or $1.38 million dollars per
"small" shipment - at a time.

The bottom line is this: coca grows on trees in Colombia, and most of
the battles between military, paramilitary, police, rebels and the
poor farmers - if anyone hopes to control the coca leaf market - will
be waged in vain for decades to come.

But he who controls the potassium permanganate market in Colombia - a
product that must be imported from continents far away - truly
controls the global traffic of processed cocaine.

The same strict standards set by Moreno's GMP company will no doubt be
applied when Mr. Moreno and Mr. Uribe - and their customers from the
ranks of the narcos and paramilitary groups - get their mitts on the
entire Colombian military and law enforcement complex, and the $2
billion US dollars of Plan Colombia.

The Back Story: The House That Pablo Built

In 1982, when Uribe became mayor, his city of Medellin, capital of
Antioquia, was a boomtown. The Medellin Cartel, with Pablo Escobar as
its maximum leader, was taking the city by storm, constructing public
housing for the poor, paying taxes, stoking Mayor Alvaro Uribe's
construction of a world-class subway system. ("He must explain the
much-debated Metro contract," pleaded columnist Antonio Caballero in a
recent column in the national newsweekly Semana.)

The Liberal Party, through which Uribe and Escobar rose in the same
electoral wave to mayoral and legislative power, is to Antioquia what
the Democratic Party is to Boston: the entire political show.

But there were serious rifts in the party, then as now. One group, the
New Liberalism movement, led by Luis Carlos Galan, was horrified by
how organized crime had taken over the party and the City. As globally
renowned Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote in his award-
winning chronicle, The Autumn of a Drug Lord, about the life and death
of Pablo Escobar:

"In 1982 Pablo Escobar had tried to find a place in the New Liberalism
movement headed by Luis Carlos Galan, but Galan removed his name from
the rolls and exposed him before a crowd of five thousand people in

As every law enforcer and scholar of narco-trafficking knows, not even
Galan's courage could stop Escobar.

Pablo Escobar presided over the economic renaissance of Uribe's
Medellin. He built the houses, the people came, the people voted, and
Pablo Escobar got himself elected to the national Congress.

In an oft neglected history by the journalists who write of Escobar's
legend today, Congressman Escobar traveled to the United States in
1982, where this photo was taken, of Pablo and his son, in front of
the Reagan-Bush White House, which would, soon, involve Escobar, with
Panamanian President Manuel Noriega, and the Nicaraguan paramilitaries
known as the Contras, in a cocaine-for-arms deal that coincided with
the explosion of crack on the urban streets of North America.

The daily El Tiempo of Bogota captioned that photo: "In 1982, as a
member of Congress, Pablo Escobar traveled to the United States. In
the photo he appears with his son Juan Pablo, in front of the White

As cultural critic Jason Manning, author of The Eighties Club,

"In 1981-82, an alliance between Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, Jose
Gacha and the Ochoa family resulted in the formation of the Medellin
cartel, which ran most of the 50 cocaine labs in Colombia. In 1982
Escobar cut a deal with Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega, which
allowed the cartel to ship cocaine through Panama for $100,000 a load.
That same year, Escobar was elected to the Colombian congress; he
bought votes by building low-income housing in the Medellin slums."

Or, as PBS Frontline reported in its Drug War timeline for that

1981-1982: Rise of the Medellin Cartel... The alliance between the
Ochoa family, Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez
Gacha strengthens into what will become known as the "Medellin
Cartel." The traffickers cooperate in the manufacturing, distribution
and marketing of their cocaine.

And, in the PBS Frontline chronology:

March 1982: Pablo Escobar is elected to the Colombian Congress...
Escobar cultivates an image of "Robin Hood" by building low-income
housing, handing out money in Medellin slums and appearing throughout
the city accompanied by Catholic priests. Escobar is elected an
alternate representative from Envigado, but he's driven out of
Congress in 1983 by Colombia's crusading Minister of Justice, Rodrigo
Lara Bonilla.

Garcia Marquez, author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in a
Time of Cholera, and other classics, wrote that Escobar, now a
Congressman, "had not forgotten the insult and unleashed an all-out
war against the state, in particular against the New Liberalism.
Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, who represented the New Liberalism as justice
minister in the Belisario Betancur government, was murdered in a
drive-by shooting on the streets of Bogota. His successor, Enrique
Parejo, was pursued all the way to Budapest by a hired assassin who
shot him in the face with a pistol but did not kill him. On August 18,
1989, Luis Carlos Galan, who was protected by eighteen well-armed
bodyguards, was machine-gunned on the main square in the municipality
of Soacha, some ten kilometers from the presidential palace."

Colombian journalist Alfredo Molano, who Narco News interviewed in
exile in Barcelona in July 2000, and whose predictions in that
interview about what Plan Colombia would bring have resulted to be,
unfortunately, all too accurate, wrote of Escobar, Medellin, the
violent prevention of the legalized Patriotic Union (UP) and M-19
parties from being able to participate in free and fair elections in
1990, and the assassination of Luis Carlos Galan, the last best hope
for Colombia, in a September 2000 article for The NACLA Report.

Authentic journalist Alfredo Molano wrote:

"Meanwhile, the paramilitary forces had been growing dramatically, in
many cases financed by the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar,
especially around the northern region of the Magdalena Medio. With
Escobar's financing and the army's tolerance, paramilitaries began
decimating the leftist UP with impunity. It was during Barco's
subsequent administration that most of the UP's activists were
murdered. The final days of Barco's government were notably violent.
Gunmen assassinated four presidential candidates Carlos Pizarro of the
M-19 (who had just turned in their arms); Jaime Pardo Leal of the UP,
followed closely by his replacement, Bernardo Jaramillo; and the
Liberals' Luis Carlos Galan who would certainly have won the election."

The chief beneficiary of the assassination of that courageous man,
Galan, "who would certainly have won the election," is a current
backer of the coming Uribe-Moreno Precursor Narco-Ticket, as Alfredo
Molano explained in his 2000 article:

"Galan was replaced by Cesar Gaviria, a party hack who had been
Minister of Government, and who was elected president for the term

Cesar Gaviria, today, is the US-imposed chief of the Organization of
American States, backer of Plan Colombia, and mentor to key Uribe
operative (albeit opportunistically) Rafael Pardo, who recently won
the election as representative in the Senate of "Colombians Abroad."
Gaviria presided over the big sellout of Colombia's sovereignty to a
foreign power that now has Plan Colombia as its logical - but our
guess is, futile - attempt to put the lid on democracy in Colombia
through paramilitary terror.

Uribe and Moreno, together, were the key movers behind the
paramilitary rise in Antioquia in the mid 1990s.

As Uribe's chief of staff, Moreno had many responsibilities: Among
them, establishing heavily armed and government-trained vigilantes
known as Rural Vigilance Committees (CONVIVIRs, as they were known,
and came to be feared, across Uribe's province). These vigilante
brigades served, according to Amnesty International and dozens of
respected human rights organizations, as thinly-masked and government-
sanctioned boot camps and recruiting agencies for Colombia's cocaine-
soaked paramilitary forces.

The Archbishop Is Assassinated

Those violent policies came home to roost last week with the
assassination, in Cali, Colombia, of Archbishop Isaias Duarte Cancino.

The Colombia Support Network said yesterday, in its statement
remembering the fallen archbishop:

"Monsignor Duarte was a very fair and generous church leader. He was
fundamentally important in helping CSN establish a sister community
relationship with Apartado, where he was the Bishop before going on to
be the Archbishop of Cali. His nobility of spirit and his commitment
to peace were evident to all of us who had the privilege of meeting
with him and working to establish links to promote social justice and
peace in the region of Apartado. He was respectful and supportive of
all who sought peace and justice, from the Patriotic Union
administrators of the early 19901s through the mayoral administration
of Gloria Cuartas, to the international presence which CSN and others
brought to Apartado."

(The Archbishop's friends also report that hours before his
assassination, a priest in his diocese called Colombian authorities to
report suspicious individuals near the Archbishop and request more
security for Father Duarte, and that the Colombian State did nothing.)

When, in 1997, Governor Uribe sent his CONVIVIR vigilante troops into
the municipality of Apartado, the aforementioned Mayor Gloria Cuartas
wrote the governor a letter on April 10, 1997, reporting on the
disruption to the peace and tranquility of her town caused by the
entrance of the CONVIVIR forces.

On behalf of Governor Uribe, his chief of staff, the GMP Chemical
Products company owner Pedro Juan Moreno Villa, replied to Mayor
Cuartas on government stationary, which provides a glimpse into the
attitudes and values with which Uribe and Moreno governed Antioquia,
and may soon govern all of Colombia:



April 17, 1997

Mayor, Apartado, Antioquia

Re: Your message of April 10, 1997, directed to the Governor of

Distinguished Madam :

In relation to the mentioned message, allow me to demonstrate to you
the following :

You fall into the same errors committed by distinguished directors of
well-known associations in defense of human rights, which is to say: "They
believe themselves to be professors of a subject with which they are not
familiar and afterwards they ask for explanations".

Apart from this, your protagonistic eagerness leads you to spread your
message to different sectors of society, to whom you send your
incomplete and deformed view of the situation.

How much better it would be if before issuing your verdict you had
taken the trouble to consult, analyze, engage in dialogue, and, once
you had formed your conception, based upon a rational analysis of
events, you had expressed your opinion upon the matter. Perhaps in
this way your collaboration to achieve peace would be more effective.

For your information I attach the following :

1. A pamphlet illustrative of the Convivir Associations.

2. A letter of last March 20 sent to Mr. Vivanco of Human Rights
Watch, in which you will find detailed information about all of the
topics which trouble you.

The Commander of the Seventeenth Brigade, General Rito Alejo del Rio,
will be able to provide you with details about their actions and other
doubts which assail you on this topic.


PEDRO JUAN MORENO VILLA Secretary of Government

Attached : the mentioned documents

Copy : Dr. Alvaro Uribe Velez Governor of Antioquia

Uribe's CONVIVIR project did turn, as Mayor Cuartas and many others
had predicted, into a Frankenstein monster. The Uribe-backed brigades
went on such a bloody rampage of massacres against unarmed civilians
that they were banned, even in Colombia, by the end of 1997. Although
Colombian courts ordered the return of the high-tech weaponry provided
by the Colombian government to the Uribe-Moreno vigilantes, (weapons
of the class reserved for exclusive use of the Colombian Armed
Forces), few of the assault rifles made it back to the government.

Uribe's CONVIVIR vigilantes - exactly as the human rights
organizations had warned - simply took their weapons and joined the
ranks of Carlos Castano's narco-terrorist units of the so-called Self-
Defense Forces of Columbia, or the AUC.

The U.S. State Department calls the AUC a "terrorist organization,"
even as it now backs its candidate, Uribe, for president of Colombia.

Business Week recently reported on the plans of candidate Alvaro Uribe
Velez to invoke this same paramilitary strategy on a national scale:

"Uribe Velez claims that if elected President, he will take a firmer
line with the rebels. That's just what he did between 1995 and 1997
when he was governor of Antioquia, Colombia's second-largest province
and onetime home to the infamous Medellin drug cartel. There, Uribe
Velez promoted the creation of the controversial Convivirs. Styled as
self-defense patrols, these armed militias supplied intelligence to
the armed forces and helped police combat crime.

"It wasn't long before some of the local militias, which eventually
numbered 67 in Antioquia and 400 nationwide, morphed into deadly
paramilitary squads that targeted not only guerrillas but also
suspected civilian sympathizers. That led the Colombian government to
strip the Convivirs of most of their power in 1997."

Narco Family Values

The book, Los Jinetes de Cocaina (The Horsemen of Cocaine) by Fabio
Castillo, published online by one of the most respected global human
rights organizations, Nizkor, reported:

"Another native of Antioquia is Senator Alvaro Uribe Velez - whose
father, Alberto Uribe Sierra, was a known narco-trafficker - who, when
he was director of the Civil Air agency (Alvaro Uribe) gave pilots
licenses to many narcos.

"Uribe (the father) was arrested once in order to be extradited, but
Jesus Aristizabal Guevara, then government secretary for the City of
Medellin, succeeded in setting him free.

"The funeral of Uribe Sierra, assassinated near his plantation in
Antioquia, was attended by then-president of the Republic Belisario
Betancur, and a good part of the high society of Antioquia, amidst
vocal protests from those who knew about his connections with cocaine."

The New Colombia News Agency (www.anncol.com), addressed this issue
forthrightly on March 13th, when journalist Alfredo Castro stated:

"That Uribe's father was a well-known trafficker in the department of
Antioquia before his death in 1983 is, on its own, not sufficient
evidence to judge his son."

Uribe's Own Actions

Uribe's own actions as a bureaucrat and later mayor of the City of
Medellin, as the governor of the State of Antioquia - where his
government secretary (chief of staff, in US terms) Pedro Juan Moreno
Villa executed Uribe's paramilitary strategy with grave consequences
for the unprotected public - and his campaign manager's simultaneous
control over the cocaine precursor chemical industry that thus
controls the cocaine industry, indicate what kind of government the
US-backed Uribe will lead if successful in the May 26th presidential

The polls indicate that, if the election were held today, Uribe would
win, if only because so many other candidates and potential candidates
have been assassinated, kidnapped or neutralized as a direct result of
US policy to aggravate Colombia's Civil War.

The New Colombia News Agency reported on Uribe's record "as mayor of
Medellin in the early 1980s when the city was known as 'The Sanctuary'
due to the complete protection that the traffickers enjoyed from the
city administration."

"At this time, Uribe was involved in at least two city projects in
which Pablo Escobar himself was also deeply involved: One, the
construction of a neighbourhood for poor people known as 'Medellin sin
Tugurios' ('Medellin without Slums') and, the other, a civic program
that aimed to plant thousands of trees in the city.

"Pablo Escobar financed both projects in an attempt to improve his
public image and Uribe publicly supported both efforts. Indeed, Uribe
even opened the new neighbourhood when it was completed despite the
fact that most of the positive press coverage actually went to Escobar."

Another journalist to tackle the issues that the United States press,
so far, fails to address, was El Espectador columnist Fernando
Garavito, in a February column. New Colombia News Agency cites him,

"Garavito pointed out that during the time that Uribe was director of
Colombia's Civil Aeronautics agency (1980-1982) numerous pilot
licenses were handed over to the Medellin drug cartel - allowing their
pilots to fly huge quantities of cocaine out of Colombia and towards
or into the United States. Indeed Uribe was allegedly sacked as
director for this misdemeanour."

"Thirdly," reports New Colombia News Agency, "was Uribe's performance
as a senator between 1986 and 1994 when he consistently supported
legislation that the drug cartels supported and consistently opposed
that which they opposed. The best example of this, and the one the
both Garavito and Castillo gave, was Uribe's vehement opposition to a
plan before the Colombian Congress to hold a public referendum on
whether or not to allow the courts to extradite drug traffickers to
the United States - a plan that the cartels were violently opposed to
and which Uribe, using his position as senator, did his best to sabotage.

Slow Boats From China

If Uribe wins the presidency, the documents on file in the DEA
administrative law case against the company of Uribe's campaign
manager, chief of staff, and right hand man, Pedro Juan Moreno Villa,
will haunt his presidency from his first day in office.

"DEA would not suspend a shipment solely on the basis that no advance
notice was filed," explained DEA chief Donnie Marshall in his August
3, 2001 report. "There would need to be evidence that the chemicals
may be diverted to the clandestine manufacturer of a controlled substance."

"Accordingly," concluded the top drug enforcer in the United States in
August of 2001, "the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement
Administration, pursuant to the authority vested in him by 21 U.S.C.
971 and 28 CFR 0.100(b), hereby orders that the suspensions of the
above described shipments, be, and they hereby are, sustained, and
that these proceedings are hereby concluded. This final order is
effective immediately."

The docket number, for the inquiring reporters among our readers, of
the DEA administrative law case, is:

FR Doc. 00-21482

The case file is open to inspection by the public and the

DEA chief Donnie Marshall's ruling is available online, at the U.S.
Department of Justice website:


The seized precursor chemicals - enough to manufacture one half-
million kilos of cocaine, with a street value of $15 billion dollars -
never made it to Moreno's warehouses in Medellin.

But, according to the DEA, 200 metric tons were sold by Moreno's
company at the very time that he was Governor Uribe's chief of staff
in Antioquia.

Whether the Precursor Candidate, Alvaro Uribe, and his alchemist Pedro
Juan Moreno Villa, make it to the Presidency remains to be seen. If
so, all America - indeed the world - will see the US-backed Narco-
State, caked in white powder, a government without credibility at
ground zero of the war on drugs.

The narco-candidacy may be destined to win an election that is already
neither fair nor free. But the narco-presidency that follows will be
grounded at the docks from day one.

Perhaps that is Washington's intent. It would not be the first time
that United States officials backed a presidential candidate in Latin
America who, once elected, could be easily blackmailed and controlled
due to his narco-history and documents on file in Washington DC:
Pinochet, Noriega, Salinas, Zedillo, Menem, Banzer, Fujimori... and
now, Alvaro Uribe.

There are ten weeks until the May 26, 2002 presidential vote in
Colombia, as the permanganate hits the fan.
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