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News (Media Awareness Project) - Scotland: Rise In Use Of Methadone 'Shows Drugs Programme
Title:Scotland: Rise In Use Of Methadone 'Shows Drugs Programme
Published On:2002-03-28
Source:Herald, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-24 14:28:43

THE number of drug addicts using methadone in Grampian has almost
quadrupled in the past four years, prompting an MSP to question the success
of its use.

The number of dispensed items of methadone rose from about 70,000 in
1996-97 to more than 270,000 in 2000-01 - twice the national increase. The
figure emerged following a parliamentary question by Richard Lochhead,
North-East SNP MSP, to Malcolm Chisholm, the health minister.

One leading drugs worker said the increase was "absolutely no surprise at
all" and reinforced the view of her agency that the methadone programme was
not working. However, Grampian Health Board strenuously denied that claim.

Mr Lochhead called yesterday for the government to look again at the
increasing use of metha-done as a heroin substitute. "These are shocking
figures for Grampian, with the amount of methadone dispensed quadrupling
over four years. We really have to stop and ask where this is going," he said.

"The pressure on drug services is such that methadone is often the easy
answer, but that can just shift people's addiction. What we really need is
to get people clear of their addiction rather than simply moving it from an
illegal, to a prescription drug on what can seem to be an indefinite period."

Janice Jess, co-ordinator of the Grampian Addiction Problems Service
(Gaps), said: "Members of our organisation have been derided when we talked
about the scale of the problem in Grampian and now there is clear evidence
what we have been saying is true.

"Methadone is obviously not the answer - if it was the figures would be
declining. This is a sign the methadone programme is failing. Methadone is
not helping people become drug free - they are on a prescription drug
rather than a street drug and in most cases which Gaps encounters they are
on both."

However, Graham Cronkshaw, drugs policy and strategy manager for NHS
Grampian, said the rising figures were a sign of success and an increase to
that level had been anticipated. He said methadone was not the only option
but the main option in line with national policy, and from 300 people in
the mid 1990s they were now treating around 1000.

"Some people need metha-done for six or nine months while others may need
it for 10 years. There is no quick answer, no magic pill. It gets people
off street heroin and injecting and many stop crime as well. It has no
effect on cocaine or cannabis use."

He said the vast majority on these programmes became heroin free, not
necessarily drug free. "Methadone is only there to get them off heroin - it
doesn't affect their appetite for cocaine or cannabis."
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