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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: LTE: No Excuse For No Drug Testing At Lew-Port
Title:US NY: LTE: No Excuse For No Drug Testing At Lew-Port
Published On:2007-03-26
Source:Niagara Gazette (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-12 09:41:11

This letter is to the Lew-Port school board members. I happen to be
the father of one of the two fourth graders who witnessed the drug
use by a teacher at Lew-Port and had to give statements to police

I am writing to let you know my displeasure at the Lew-Port School
Board for voting down on March 22 an initiative that would have
instituted drug testing at the district. I also take issue with a
few of the comments I saw reported in the Gazette. As far as
the comment that the board is prohibited from drug testing without
probable cause . are you kidding me? How much more probable cause do
you need than cocaine 5 feet away from 9-year-olds?

Also the comment that "I feel our district has sufficient safeguards
in place." Really? How are those safeguards working out? I want to
be civil, but that statement would make the pre-k kids laugh.

I wanted to laugh too, but I find it difficult when my intelligence
is being insulted. The district apparently has no problem bringing
in drug sniffing dogs to search students lockers, but of course they
must skip the teacher's lounge. I am not bashing the teachers, they
do a great job and I'm sure the vast majority of them would have no
problem with drug testing. Although publicly, they are held hostage
by there own union which would never agree to testing unless they
got something in return, student's safety be damned.
I wholeheartedly agree with the board member who said they should
"vote their conscience" show a little backbone, stand up for the
students even if the state or the courts shoots it down at least you
did the right thing.

Niagara Falls has drug testing for their new hires. That would be a
start. If they can, why not us? From banning chocolate Easter
crosses a few years back to this, it would be nice if Lew-Port could
make the national news for something positive. Hiding behind lawyers
and throwing up your hands and crying "we can't do anything" is not
why you were elected, and it won't be forgotten at the next election.

I am 43 years old and I have never in my life been 5 feet away from
someone doing cocaine and yet my 9-year-old daughter is exposed to
this in a supposedly "drug free" zone at her school, where she is
supposed to be safe and secure. And all our school board can do is
bicker ... well done.

Finally there was a suggestion of drafting a resolution to send to
the state legislature supporting changing the state law to be able
to require testing. Well stop talking and start drafting. Maybe
there needs to be a third special interest group at Lew-Port to go
along with the "union" and the "no tax hike" groups. Maybe a group
of parents and citizens whose main concern is the safety and well
being of all the students, teachers and administrators in the
district. I hope that this situation never happens again but in this
day and age I'm afraid it might, and everybody who comes in
contact with an individual under the influence of
illegal substances will be at risk not just the students.

Also, if it is true that the board is "leaving it up to two fourth
grade girls to clean up the school" I will be expecting my
daughter's check from the district in the mail.

Jim Sperduti

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