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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: OPED: Filling Up With Gasoline Fills Terrorists' Pockets
Title:US TX: OPED: Filling Up With Gasoline Fills Terrorists' Pockets
Published On:2002-04-19
Source:Amarillo Globe-News (TX)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 12:24:36

WACO - We've all seen the TV advertisements delivering the message that
money spent on illegal drugs is money supporting terrorism.

Here's an even scarier thought: Every time you fill your gas tank, you're
putting dollars in terrorists' pockets.

A stretch? Not at all, according to U.S. Rep. Charlie Stenholm, D- Texas,
who threw that nugget out for the audience to chew on at the recent Farm
Credit Bank conference in San Antonio.

"Every time we fill up at the gasoline pump, we are funding terrorism,
because a good part of that money is going to the Middle East, and those
folks have not yet found the political courage to deal with terrorists," he

Stenholm has a point. Should we buy oil from Middle Eastern regimes that,
while not outright condoning terrorism, turn a blind eye toward terrorist
activities - especially when we have undeveloped resources here at home
that could go a long way toward solving our energy problems?

The point Stenholm made very well is it is time for the United States to
take the necessary steps to reduce its reliance on foreign energy sources.

The U.S. House has passed a comprehensive energy package that includes
provisions that would allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge, tax breaks for the energy industry, funding to promote "clean coal"
technology and renewable fuels, and other energy conservation measures.

Now it's the Senate's turn, and energy legislation was on the table as they
returned from Easter recess.

On a promising note, before Easter, the Senate passed a measure that would
dramatically increase our use of ethanol and soybean-based fuels. That is
only one step, albeit positive for agriculture, as Middle East violence
draws increasing attention to the need for a national energy policy.

The challenge for the Senate, and ultimately a conference committee and
both Houses on a final vote, is to put together a comprehensive package
that reduces the chance that our nation and economy are held hostage by
those who wish us harm.

Drilling in the ANWR - a contentious Senate issue - alone will not solve
this nation's energy problems. Boosting the use of ethanol and soy-based
fuels will not solve the problem. The problem won't be solved by increased
fuel efficiency for cars or expansion of tax credits to study new energy

It will take a combination of all the above and strategic thinking by our
political leaders to solve a problem that only will grow increasingly

Despite the best efforts of President Bush and others, there always will be
conflict in the Middle East. Transferring our dependence to other
oil-producing countries such as Mexico and Russia is only a temporary
measure at best. There always is the risk that those oil supplies could be
cut off.

Can our leaders find the focus, strength and courage to develop an energy
policy that is in the best interests of our nation as a whole?

Can we reduce reliance on Middle Eastern oil, and all foreign oil?

Can we continue to develop the potential of ethanol and other bio- based fuels?

Funding terrorists through our gas tanks is hardly a thought I wish to
contemplate. Stenholm has brought the issue home in a way each of us can

Now is the time to act on a national energy policy. Tomorrow might be too late.
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