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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: House Votes $13 Billion in Aid for Afghanistan
Title:US: House Votes $13 Billion in Aid for Afghanistan
Published On:2002-05-22
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 07:11:37

WASHINGTON, May 21 - The House of Representatives voted tonight to
provide $1.3 billion in economic and military aid to Afghanistan
after demanding that President Bush devise a strategy to establish
law and order there.

Lawmakers of both parties said they feared that the United States's
military success could be undermined if lawlessness persisted in

The bill, to rebuild Afghanistan and combat the production of
narcotics, was passed by a vote of 390 to 22.

The money, to be made available over four years, would be used to
create jobs, clear land mines, pay for education and health care,
vaccinate children and revive the nation's agriculture.

"This recovery effort must be sustained in the months and years
ahead," said the chief sponsor of the bill, Representative Henry J.
Hyde, the Illinois Republican who is chairman of the Committee on
International Relations. But, he emphasized, "the administration
needs a coherent strategy."

The House approved an amendment offered by Representative Tom Lantos,
Democrat of California, that calls on the president to devise "a
strategy for meeting the immediate and long-term security needs of
Afghanistan." The president would have 45 days to send such a plan to

"Afghanistan is in grave danger of relapsing into the very conditions
of violence and warlordism that created the Taliban and attracted Al
Qaeda to operate there," Mr. Lantos said. "Outside Kabul, Afghanistan
continues to be a land where every thug with a rifle can set up an
illegal checkpoint to extort money from travelers while the unarmed
and outnumbered police cower in their makeshift headquarters."

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who is chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee, supports major goals of the House
bill and has hinted that he might seek more money for security

"If current trends continue in Afghanistan," Mr. Biden said on
Friday, "we may soon find that our hard-won success on the
battlefield has melted away with the winter snow.."

The House bill emphasizes the need to provide assistance to women and
girls, disarm and demobilize Afghan warriors, and help establish the
rule of lawy.

In addition, American aid would be used to suppress the cultivation
of opium poppies and substitute other crops; build health clinics;
coordinate efforts to treat diseases; foster the development of
independent news media; promote and monitor human rights; and recruit
and train teachers.

Under the bill, the United States would spend $10 million a year from
2002 to 2005 to help conduct local, regional and national elections,
to foster development of political parties and to carry out a
traditional Afghan assembly, or loya jirga.
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