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News (Media Awareness Project) - US KY: Drugs, Neglect, Security Focus Of Report
Title:US KY: Drugs, Neglect, Security Focus Of Report
Published On:2002-05-21
Source:Winchester Sun (KY)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 07:10:40

The Grand Jury report for the first half of 2002 noted several areas of
concern, including the effect of drugs in the community, child neglect and
needed security measures at the Clark County Courthouse. It also
highlighted the achievements of those in the local justice system.

The report notes the Grand Jury heard numerous drug trafficking cases, but
there were just as many crimes committed by those addicted to illegal and
prescription drugs.

"While our dedicated police officers are working diligently to stem this
flow of drugs, we would be remiss if we did not note the role that
prescription drugs such as Lortab, Oxycontin and methadone plays in illicit
drug abuse and trafficking," the report states. "To that end we implore our
medical professionals to closely monitor drug prescriptions in an effort to
thwart those who would misuse their own prescriptions as well as take the
prescribed drugs and place them into the illegal drug market."

The report also asks that the Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle
Enforcement officers continue their enforcement of overweight vehicles on
the road.

"We are particularly concerned with ... the overweight coal trucks that not
only damage our roads but spill their cargo as well," it notes.

Agencies that work together are better able to serve children in need, the
Grand Jury report states.

"We would ask that our social service agencies, law enforcement and school
officials work together to identify children in need," the report says. "We
would suggest that these agencies could share their resources and expertise
to insure that none of our children go without the protection they need and

The jurors also note they are "saddened" that security measures at the Gov.
James Clark Judicial Center have to be the way they are. The report asks
that security officers remain "vigilant" and that the same security be
considered for the Clark County Courthouse.

The report asks that area law enforcement agencies have a secure storage
facility where seized vehicles could be stored "without compromising items
of evidence contained in such vehicles."

"We would ask that the city and county cooperate in procuring and operating
such a facility," the report states.

The last area of concern the report notes is on various traffic issues. The
jurors "re-emphasize the importance of school bus safety" and ask that
motorists "pay particular attention to the school buses and realize that
they haul the most precious cargo that exists in our county."

The report also notes traffic problems continue to plague the West
Lexington Avenue/Carol Road area and the 94 exit of Interstate 64. Safety
concerns also were noted at the intersection of Redwing Drive and the Bypass.

"We would ask that our state and city traffic engineers proceed
expeditiously to correct the flaws that are apparent in these
intersection," the report says.

In addition to discussing the jury's concerns, the report also notes the
good jobs done by many in the criminal court system.

The jurors note Circuit Judges William T. Jennings and Julia Hylton Adams'
"compassionate but firm" dedication to justice.

"We noted that both judges were most respectful to the defendants but were
firm in the pronouncement of their punishments. This, we believe, brings
respect to our courts," the report states. "We were appalled at the number
of 'out of county' defendants who had committed similar crimes in other
jurisdictions but escaped any significant punishment, correctional
treatment or rehabilitation. Not so in Clark County, and we believe, much
to the benefit of our community."

The jurors also personally thanked Clark Circuit Clerk David Hunt and his
staff, Dawn Gasser of the Commonwealth Attorney's office, and Det. Arlen
Horton, Det. Don Bellamy and Sheriff Gary Lawson with the Clark County
Sheriff's Department and Winchester Police officers Mike Wattenberger,
Shannon Stone, Chief William "Marty" Jackson II, Captain Ken Donta, Det.
Sgt. Berl Perdue and Det. Steven Caudill.
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