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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: DEA Chief Sees Shifting Of Agents As 'New Challenge'
Title:US: DEA Chief Sees Shifting Of Agents As 'New Challenge'
Published On:2002-06-03
Source:Washington Times (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 05:55:51

An FBI decision to divert 400 agents assigned to narcotics investigations
to counterterrorism offers new challenges for the Drug Enforcement
Administration that DEA chief Asa Hutchinson says the agency is willing and
able to undertake.

"Our nation needs the full attention, expertise and focus of the FBI on
preventing terrorism against United States citizens. This is the right
priority for the FBI," Mr. Hutchinson said.

"The DEA stands ready to accept this new challenge that comes from the FBI
reorganization. We know how to fight drugs, do it very well, and are
recognized worldwide for our expertise and results. This is a new
opportunity for the courageous men and women of the DEA to do even more for
our country," he said.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III announced last week a massive FBI
reorganization designed to make the prevention of terrorist attacks the
bureau's top priority. As part of the reorganization, Mr. Mueller will
reassign 400 agents from drug investigations to counterterrorism operations.

"We have to be able to develop the ability to anticipate attacks," Mr.
Mueller said, noting that more than a quarter of the FBI's 11,600 agents
will be assigned to prevent terrorist attacks on the United States.

The FBI reorganization includes a new Office of Intelligence headed by an
executive detailed from the CIA, who started work last week. It also
includes a terrorism prevention and counterintelligence branch to be headed
by an FBI deputy assistant director.

Mr. Hutchinson, a former federal prosecutor and Republican congressman from
Arkansas, noted it may be necessary for the DEA to work with the Justice
Department, Congress and the Bush administration on getting additional
resources, but he remains assured the agency will have "all the necessary
tools to continue doing our job well."

The DEA, the only single-mission anti-drug agency in the country, has 9,000
agents, intelligence analysts, chemists and support staff. The DEA's 4,600
drug agents are stationed around the United States and in more than 56 nations.

The DEA mission is to enforce the controlled-substances laws and
regulations of the United States and bring to justice those organizations
and drug traffickers involved in the growing, manufacture or distribution
of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in
this country.

The DEA also manages a national drug-intelligence program in cooperation
with federal, state, local and foreign officials, and is responsible for
the seizure and forfeiture of assets derived from illicit drug trafficking.

In addition, the agency coordinates foreign governments and federal, state
and local law-enforcement officials on mutual drug-enforcement efforts --
including programs designed to reduce the availability of illicit drugs in
this country through crop eradication, crop substitution and training of
foreign officials.
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