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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MD: 3 PUB LTE: US Drug Policy
Title:US MD: 3 PUB LTE: US Drug Policy
Published On:2002-06-05
Source:Baltimore Chronicle (MD)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 05:41:23

Kirk Muse has clearly seen the belly of the beast in "Lockstep, Blind
Politicians" (May issue of Chronicle), and ascertained, much the same as
our ancestors concluded during alcohol prohibition, that harmful as some
drugs may be, prohibition creates a far more deadly situation than the
substances the government attempts to prohibit.

The problem here is not that our politicians and government bureaucrats
don't know the truth about America's disastrous drug policy; it's that
they've lied and distorted the facts so ridiculously that now they must
continue the charade or our citizens will know what spineless scoundrels
inhabit our halls of power....

The most deadly and destructive consequences involving the "War On Drugs"
are caused by the same policies which our government officials tell us are
for our own benefit. They lie, they cheat and then lie some more, just to
continue the most devastating policy ever perpetrated upon the American
people-all for the benefits it provides them and the anti-drug industry
they've created.

Now they continue "full speed ahead," no matter the harm that results or
the realities of the situation. They're addicted to pork, and the drug war
is the "mother of all pigs."

Mike Plylar

Mr. Plylar writes from Kremmling, CO.
Thanks To Mr. Muse

Thank you for publishing the excellent letter by Mr. Kirk Muse (May
Chronicle) regarding our foolish support of the drug prohibition. Mr.
Kirk's reliance upon historical facts and simple common sense is what makes
his points so compelling.

Why are our politicians so blinded when it comes to drug policy? I can
imagine only one reason: they have a vested interest, along with government
bureaucrats, in seeing it continue because it represents unbridled
government authority and spending.

Richard Sinnott

Mr. Sinnott writes from Fort Pierce, FL.
Med Marijuana

The Maryland House of Delegates is to be commended for passing sensible
medical marijuana legislation. It's a shame the Senate does not share their
compassion for the cancer and AIDS patients who stand to benefit from
marijuana law reform.

Not only should medical marijuana be made available to patients in need,
but marijuana prohibition itself should be subjected to a thorough
cost-benefit analysis.

Unfortunately, a review of marijuana legislation would open up a Pandora's
box most politicians would just as soon avoid.

America's marijuana laws are based on culture and xenophobia, not science.
The first marijuana laws were enacted in response to Mexican migration
during the early 1900's, despite opposition from the American Medical
Association. White Americans did not even begin to smoke marijuana until a
soon-to-be entrenched government bureaucracy began funding "reefer madness"

Dire warnings that marijuana inspires homicidal rages have been
counterproductive at best. An estimated 38% of Americans have now smoked
pot. The reefer madness myths have long been discredited, forcing the drug
war gravy train to spend millions of tax dollars on politicized research,
trying to find harm in a relatively harmless plant. Meanwhile, research
that might demonstrate the medical efficacy of marijuana is consistently

The direct experience of millions of Americans contradicts the
sensationalistic myths used to justify marijuana prohibition. Illegal drug
use is the only public health issue wherein key stakeholders are not only
ignored, but actively persecuted and incarcerated. In terms of medical
marijuana, those stakeholders happen to be cancer and AIDS patients.

Robert Sharpe, M.P.A.

Mr. Sharpe is program officer of the Drug Policy Alliance, based in
Washington, DC. Call (202) 537-5005 or visit http://www.drugpolicy.org/
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