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News (Media Awareness Project) - Costa Rica: Police School For Americas Considered
Title:Costa Rica: Police School For Americas Considered
Published On:2002-06-15
Source:Washington Times (DC)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 04:44:17

New Costa Rican President Abel Pacheco said yesterday that his country,
which has no army and has experienced nearly half a century of peace, may
become the site of a U.S.-supported international police academy.

In an interview, Mr. Pacheco said he spoke with President Bush at the White
House on Thursday about opening the police school in Costa Rica.

It would train officers from throughout North and South America to handle
"modern" threats, Mr. Pacheco said.

"The police will learn management of very modern crime circumstances for
which our traditional police aren't prepared," Mr. Pacheco said in Spanish.

The West Virginia-sized country -- known by locals as the "Switzerland of
Central America" -- was chosen because of its central location and peaceful
history, according to Costa Rican Ambassador Jaime Daremblum.

Officers would train to face such problems as terrorism, drug trafficking,
domestic violence and kidnapping. The project would be a joint venture
within the Americas to promote better law enforcement.

Costa Rica's legislative assembly must approve the plans before work on the
police school begins.

"We believe globalization has to start with the globalization of justice,"
Mr. Pacheco said. "We can't talk about the globalization of commerce
without talking about what happens to the people."

Mr. Pacheco, who took office last month, also spoke of Costa Rica's
concerns about access to the U.S. market.

He discussed with Mr. Bush a Central America Free Trade Agreement, which
would open U.S. markets to small businesses in Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

"The president was very emphatic in saying, 'This is going to happen,'" Mr.
Pacheco said.

The five Central American countries recently began negotiations as a bloc
with the United States to find new outlets for crafts, textiles and food
made by thousands of workers in small home industries, Mr. Pacheco said.

For the first time, democratically elected presidents lead all five nations.

Improving the scene for agricultural trade, however, will be more difficult
because Costa Rica fears that cheap American rice will drive its own
farmers out of business.

"I do not think the state will be eager to accept agricultural products in
Costa Rica," Mr. Pacheco said. "We are an agricultural country."

The U.S. Congress will begin looking at the proposed Central American trade
zone as soon as it completes a U.S.-Chilean trade agreement, which may be
as soon as August, Mr. Daremblum said.

Critics of the trade agreement, which Mr. Bush proposed in January, say the
Central American nations have not settled their economic differences to
come together as a single negotiating unit with appointed leadership, as
the European Union has. That may hinder Central America's biggest exports
- -- agriculture and textiles -- from entering U.S. markets..
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